May 25, 2017 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Moment of Silence
3. Public Comments:
Reasonable restraints on the number, length, and frequency of presentations are permissible. The board may limit the number of persons it will hear on a particular subject and the frequency with which they may appear, so long as the regulation does not abridge constitutionally guaraneed rights of freedom of speech and to petition, nor unfairly discriminate among views seeking expression. Atty. Gen. Op. H-188 (1973) |
4. Superintendent's Report
5. Consent Agenda:
5.A. Minutes of March 30, 2017, Meeting
6. Information:
7. Action Items:
7.A. Discuss and take appropriate action to approve a traffic impact analysis for school location in Pearland, Texas
7.B. Discuss and take appropriate action to approve the engagement of Architect Scott P. Palmero (SP Architecture) for the school location in Pearland, Texas
7.C. Discuss and take appropriate action to approve revised School Calendar 2017-2018
7.D. Discuss and take appropriate action to approve the name of DBA Horizon Montessori Public Schools and add name to Bank Accounts.
7.E. Discuss and take appropriate action to approve the replacement of Mrs. Yolanda Espinoza with Dr. Lauren Arce as a check signer.
8. Governance:
9. Curriculum:
10. Items over $5,000:
11. Finance:
11.A. Information - Check Register April 1- April 31, 2017
11.B. Information - Finance Summary April
11.C. Budget Amendments
11.D. 1 Pay step Increase 2017-2018 Payroll Budget
12. Executive Session-
12.A. Discuss and take appropriate action on a new Board Member. Dr. Gloria Patricia Quesada.
13. Action, If Necessary, on the Items Discussed in Closed Meeting
14. Adjournment