June 14, 2011 at 6:00 PM - Business Committee
Agenda |
I. Listed below are the financial and operational items to be reviewed by Business Committee Members consisting of Chairperson, Juan A. Molina, Jr., Ricardo Molina, Sr. and Judd Gilpin with recommendations for action to be made at the next Regular Board Meeting:
I.A. Action Items to be Reviewed at the Regular Board Meeting on June 22, 2011 with recommendations to be made by Business Committee.
I.A.1. Approval of Monthly Disbursements
I.A.2. Approval of Tax Refunds
I.A.3. Approval to Designate Norma Farabough to Calculate 2011 Tax Rate
I.A.4. Approval of an Order authorizing the Issuance of United Independent School District Tax Refunding Bonds, Series 2011, and Other Matters Related Thereto
I.A.5. Renewal of District Health Insurance Plan
I.A.6. Approval of Awarding Bids, Proposals and Qualifications
I.A.7. Approval of RFCQ 006-2011 External Quality Assessment Services for Internal Audit Department
I.A.8. Approval of request for Competitive Sealed Proposals (CSP) as the solicitation method of procurement for the Installation of a Metal Canopy Structure for the South Basketball Court at Trautmann Park
I.A.9. Discussion/Action re: Teacher Base Salaries for 2011-12 School/Work Year
I.A.10. Discussion/Action re: Employee Salaries for the 2011-12 School/Work Year, including Freeze of all Salaries and/or Wages Based Upon the 2010-11 Compensation Plan
I.A.11. Discussion and Possible Action to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with the Laredo Independent School District to amend the current boundary shared between the two school districts and to adopt a new boundary including the filing of a map of the new boundary with the Texas Education Agency and any matters incident thereto
I.A.12. Approval of Requests from Pat Campos for Use of Board of Trustees Discretionary Funds for Newman Elementary for $5,556.30 and Gutierrez Elementary for $4,765
I.A.13. Approval of Requests from Ricardo Rodriguez for Use of Board of Trustees Discretionary Funds for Antonio Gonzalez Middle School for $7,500 and Killam Elementary for $2,994.36
I.A.14. Approval of Requests from Juan Roberto Ramirez for Use of Board of Trustees Discretionary Funds for Fasken Elementary for $9,964, Kazen Elementary for $9,811.75 and Washington Middle School for $25,997.24
I.A.15. Approval of Request from Judd Gilpin for Use of Board of Trustees Discretionary Funds for Krueger Field for $2,436
I.A.16. Approval of Request from Ricardo Molina, Sr. for Use of Board of Trustees Discretionary Funds for Arndt Elementary for $6,102
I.A.17. Approval of Request from Javier Montemayor, Jr. for Use of Board of Trustees Discretionary Funds for Alexander High School for $9,000
I.A.18. First Reading of Policy CE (LOCAL) - Annual Operating Budget
I.A.19. First Reading of Policy DEE (LOCAL) - Compensation and Benefits Expense Reimbursement
I.A.20. First Reading of Policy BBG (LOCAL) - Board Members - Compensation and Expenses
I.A.21. First Reading of (LOCAL) Policies in TASB Update 90
I.B. Informational Items to be presented to the Business Committee.
I.B.1. Finance Division Monthly Financial Report
I.B.2. New Teacher Hires, Administrative New Hires/Promotion & Resignations of Professional Employees
I.B.3. Budget 2012 Update
I.B.4. Review of LEGAL Polices in TASB Update 90
II. Public Comments: Comments are limited to three minutes per speaker. The Board Parliamentarian will be the timekeeper and will inform the speaker when they have one (1) remaining minute. No more than three (3) persons will be allowed to speak on any side of an issue. Should there be more than three (3) people who wish to speak on a particular issue they need to select not more than three (3) representatives to speak for them. Comments must address items listed on the agenda. The presiding officer or designee shall determine whether a person who wishes to address the Board has attempted to solve a matter administratively. If not, the person shall be directed to the appropriate policy, as noted in BED (LOCAL), to seek resolution before bringing the matter to the Board at a subsequent meeting. Pursuant to 551.042 of the Texas Government Code, no Board Member or Administrator may respond to a member of the public, unless such response is a recitation of District policy or a statement of specific factual information. When a speaker comes to the podium, please indicate what agenda item you will be addressing. Furthermore, please refrain from mentioning any employee's name and any complaint about any employee's duties or responsibilities should be channeled through the appropriate grievance policy.
III. Adjournment