March 21, 2006 at 6:00 PM - Bond Oversight
Agenda |
I. Notice of Meeting of the Bond Oversight Committee of the United Independent School District
I.A. Financial Report – Presenter: Laida Benavides
I.B. Recommendation for Approval of GMP (Guaranteed Maximum Price) Proposal from Leyendecker
Construction, Inc. for Building Additions to Band Halls at Salvador Garcia Middle, Los Obispos Middle,
Trautmann Middle, United Middle, and Washington Middle - Presenters: Cordelia Flores and Enrique Rangel
I.C. Construction Program Progress Reports – Presenter: Enrique Rangel
I.C.1. Construction Program Progress Report for February 2006
I.D. Next Bond Oversight Committee Meeting: April 11, 2006 at United Middle School Conference Room
I.E. Public comments; each individual or group shall be allotted 3 minutes to comment to the Bond Oversight
Committee on the agenda items the subject of this meeting.
II. Adjournment