March 19, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call meeting to order
2. Open Forum
3. Approve the Minutes
4. Pay Bills
5. Financial Report
The information in the Financial Report comes from January and February.
6. Athletic/Maintenance Director Report
7. Principal's Report
8. Discussion and Possible Action of 2024-2025 TEKS Certification Form
9. Consideration and possible action to enter into a contract with The County of Lipscomb to consolidate the collection of property taxes into one agency, the Lipscomb County Tax A/C Office for the 2024 year.
10. Consideration and possible action on allowing discounts on the amount of 2024 Advalorem Tax due if paid before January.
11. Resolution to Senate Bill 763
12. Approve the renewal of Follett ISD's District of Innovation Plan for March 21st, 2024-March 21st, 2029.
13. Consider and take action on the 2024-2025 Academic School Calendar.
14. Approve the waiver to modify the schedule of classes for students who are not being tested to report to and attend school after the state assessment testing period has ended, therefore reducing the interruptions during the testing period for the academic years 2023-2024, 2024-2025, and 2025-2026.
15. Superintendent's Report
16. 9. Executive Session:
17. Consider and Act on the Principal contract, Texas Government Code 551.074.
18. Adjournment