March 24, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Establish Quorum
IV. Public Comment
V. Reports
V.A. Campus Reports
V.A.3. Athletic Report
V.B. Superintendent Report
Tim Little, Superintendent
V.B.1. Financial Reports
V.B.2. Investment Report
V.B.3. Enrollment Report
V.B.4. Employee of the Month
VI. Discussion or Action Items
The following items are presented for discussion or possible action by the Board. At its discretion, the Board may act or chose not to act, on any of these items.
VI.A. Discussion and possible action to approve minutes of prior meetings
VI.B. Discussion and possible action on TASB Policy Update 124, pertaining to the following policies [see attached list] (second reading, adoption recommended)
VI.C. Discussion and possible action to remove William Costanza, Jarod Bellar, and Cindy Clark from the Baird ISD Worker's Comp account at First Bank Texas and add Rick Fisher, Sara Price and Timothy Little as signholder to the account.
VI.D. Discussion and possible action to approve depository contract for 2026 fiscal year
VI.E. Discussion and possible action to approve teacher contract recommendations for the 2025-2026 school year.
VII. Adjourn