February 24, 2025 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation
III. Establish Quorum
IV. Public Comment
V. Reports
V.A. Campus Reports
V.A.1. Elementary
Michael Waggoner, Principal
V.A.2. High School
James Stevens, Principal
V.A.3. Athletic Report
V.B. Superintendent Report
Tim Little, Superintendent
V.B.1. Financial Reports
V.B.2. Investment Report
V.B.3. Enrollment Report
V.B.4. Employee of the Month
VI. Discussion or Action Items
The following items are presented for discussion or possible action by the Board. At its discretion, the Board may act or chose not to act, on any of these items.
VI.A. Discussion and possible action to approve minutes of prior meetings
VI.B. Discussion and possible action to approve Attentive Preventative Care Management
Sean Roper
VI.C. Discussion of TASB Policy Update 124, LEGAL policies and LOCAL policies as attached (First Reading, no action required)
VI.D. Discussion and possible action to nominate new member for Callahan County Appraisal District
VI.E. Discussion and possible action on RFP 2025-01 Football Field Turf and Upgrades
VI.E.1. Discussion and possible action to approve best value contractor for RFP 2025-01 Turf Project per Tex. Gov. Code Sec. 2269
VI.E.2. Discussion and possible action delegating authority to the Superintendent for the Turf Project per Tex. Gov. Code Sec. 2269.
VI.E.3. Discussion and possible action approving prevailing wage rate for Turf Project per Tex. Gov. Code Sec. 2258.022
VII. Executive Session
VII.A. Deliberation regarding principal evaluations, contracts, and compensation pursuant to Texas Government Code §551.074
VII.B. Deliberation regarding Athletic Director evaluations, contracts, and compensation pursuant to Texas Government Code §551.074
VII.C. Deliberation regarding administrator evaluations, contracts, and compensation pursuant to Texas Government Code §551.074
VII.D. Discussion of personnel matters related to an ongoing professional standards review and certification status update, pursuant to Texas Government Code §551.074
VIII. Action on Executive Session Items
IX. Adjourn