July 8, 2024 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
2.a. Consider approval of financial statements, bank reconciliations, investment reports and tax collection report.
2.b. Consider approval of the minutes from previous meeting held on June 10, 2024.
3.a. Superintendent's Report - Clint Sadler
4.a. Consider and discuss the proposed Bus Pay Schedule as presented by Mr. Sadler.
4.b. Consider and discuss Gate Duty Pay Schedule as presented by Mr. Sadler.
4.c. Consider and discuss TASB Property and Liability Insurance for the 2024-2025 School year as presented by TASB.
4.d. Consider and discuss bids received for Cleaning Supplies for the 2024-2025 school year.
4.e. Consider and discuss bids received for Fuel and Oil for the 2024-2025 school year.
4.f. Consider and discuss bids received for the demolition of the press box and home stands located at the football field.
4.g. Consider and discuss bids received for the construction of a cement slab measuring 175' x 66' located at the football field.
4.h. Consider and take action on a one time RESOLUTION to approve Wage Payments during Emergency school closings (No premium payment).
4.i. Consider and discuss removing Mr. Rains from the bank accounts at Alliance Bank/State Bank of Jewett and adding Mr. Sadler and Gina Mahaffey.
4.j. Consider and discuss installation of Panic Buttons throughout the District.
4.k. Consider and discuss replacing the current fencing with the proper black fencing.
4.l. Consider and discuss moving the Official Attendance taking time from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
4.m. Consider the addition, revision, or deletion (LOCAL) of policies as offered by TASB Policy Service for consideration and according to the Instruction Sheet for TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 123 as presented by TASB.
4.n. Consider additions/revisions/deletions of local policies resulting from the Policy Review Session conducted on June 18, 2024, with drafts prepared by TASB Policy Service (see attached list).
5. Closed Session, As Authorized by the Texas Open Meeting Act, Government Code 551 and Board Policy BEC (LEGAL).
5.a. Personnel Matters Gov’t Code 551.074