April 14, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
A.1. Call to Order
A.2. Pledge of Allegiance
A.3. Roll Call: Mrs. Ogle _________ Mrs. Sauceda_________
Ms. Flores ________ Mr. Reyes_________ Mr. Ysaguirre____________ |
Individuals will speak at the beginning of the meeting. (Board members will not be able to respond to comments from the audiences that are not agenda items (A.R.S.38-432.02 (h). Each patron will be allowed 3 minutes to address the board. During an open session, the Board shall not hear personal complaints against school personnel or a person connected with the district. Policies KE and KEB are provided by the board for disposition of legitimate complaints, including those involving individuals. |
D.1. Business Manager's Report - Mrs. Sharon Rodriguez
Mrs. Rodriguez reported on the meeting with CCS regarding the concerns over contract responsibilities. |
D.1.a) Business Manager's Report
D.2. Principal's Report - Dr. Oranté Jenkins
Dr. Jenkins reported Friday, April 1 will be the 7th Faculty In-Service of the year. Parent-Teacher Conference and Scarlet and Gray were hosted on Tuesday, March 8th. A total of 107 students were recognized for attaining a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher through the end of the first semester. Enrollment: Santa Cruz Valley Union High School 280 SCVUHS Center for Success: 32 Facilitated 2 student intake meeting with student and parents Facilitated 28 student/parent contacts to address academic, behavioral, and social concerns. Attended 4 cabinet meetings |
D.2.a) Principal's Report
D.3. Food Service Director's Report - Mr. Ricardo Cazares
Mr. Cazares reported 917 breakfast meals and 3,378 lunch meals were served, averaging 225 per day. The department had an Administrative Review of the Nation School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) for the 2021-2022 school year. The review well with only minor findings which will require corrective action and no fiscal action was taken. Results will be sent in the coming weeks. Mr. Cazares submitted the monthly expenses to revenue report for March |
D.3.a) Food Service Director's Report
D.4. Facilities Director's Report - Mr. Hector Longoria
Mr. Longoria submitted the work orders which were requested by staff and completed by staff. Photos of the process of the refinishing of the gym floor were submitted. |
D.4.a) Facilities Director's Report
D.5. Athletic Director's Report - Coach Fitzgerald
Coach Fitzgerald reported on overnight stays for the softball and baseball tournaments. Santa Cruz won the 2A South Region Sportsmanship award and has been nominated as a finalist for the 2A sportsmanship award. The March 29th baseball game against Santa Rita was moved to April 27 due to weather. Region scheduled games assigned for Fall & Winter sports for the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 school years by the AIA. |
D.5.a) Athletic Director's Report
E.1. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval of IFB 22-02-23 New Air-Cooled Chiller award recommendation to Sun Mechanical.
Mrs. Robert’s reported her attendance to 5 cabinet meetings, 1 Pinal County Public Health meeting, 1 Pinal County School Superintendents meeting and 2 ADE, ASA webinars. English Language Learner (ELL) Program The completion of the spring reassessment/assessment process and eligibility or continuing status will be determined. A meeting with parents of our EL students is being planned to better serve their children. The date is not yet set for this meeting. Career and Technical Education A small amount of additional funds from the Carl Perkins Grant have been awarded to the program. Special Education Program The district special education department received a Certificate of Appreciation from the ADE Exceptional Students Services Data Management Team for successfully reconciling out FY 2022 October 1 Data. Mrs. Roberts credited the work to Ms. Esther Cazares, Special Ed/El administrative assistant for performing an excellent job in managing and reporting the data. Long-Term Suspension Hearings There were no hearing submitted in March MOTION TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO: A.R.S. 38-431.03(A) (1) FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSION OR CONSIDERATION OF EMPLOYMENTS, ASSIGNMENT, PROMOTION, DEMOTION, DISMISSAL, SALARIES, DISCIPLINING, OR RESIGNATION OF CERTIFIED AND CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES. |
F.1. Superintendent's Report
G.1. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval of the FY 22-23 Superintendent/Principal Contract, as per the Governing Board's recommendations.
G.2. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to accept Manuela Paredes’ letter of retirement from Food Service for FY 21/22.
G.3. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to accept Veronica Diaz’ letter of resignation from Facilities Department for FY 21/22.
G.4. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to approve Addendum to Teaching Contract-Horizontal Advancement for FY 21/22.
G.5. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to hire Jesus Elenes as a Facilities Shift Supervisor for FY 21/22.
G.6. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval of payment to Summer School teacher Dean Ibanez for summer 2022.
G.7. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to re-hire Orlenda Roberts as the Part-Time Special Education, ELL Director for FY22-23.
G.8. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to accept Gloria Herrera’s letter of retirement as the Guidance Secretary effective June 30, 2022.
G.9. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to approve the list of coaching staff for FY 22/23.
G.10. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval of exempt employee contracts for FY22-23.
G.11. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval for payment of Classroom Site Funds (CSF) for FY21-22 which will include the 2nd half payment from Funds 011 & 013 for employees who qualify & to pay Mr. Lewis from M&O for their portion of these funds.
G.12. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval to approve of the Support Staff employee list for FY 22-23.
G.13. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval of payment of the Hiring stipend to highly qualified teachers in the hard to fill positions in Special Education, Science, Math & Foreign Language
G.14. Discussion/Approval/Disapproval of payment of Retention stipend to highly qualified teachers in the hard to fill positions for science, math, foreign language and special education: W. Askew, R. Cory, D. Dawson, G. Douglas, D. Ibanez, B. Ibarra, P. Hudson. S. Meza (Wyble) & J. White.
H.1. Approval for ratification of the expenditures identified in the Auxiliary Operations Fund Report for March 2022.
H.2. Approval of Student Activities Account Report for March 2022.
H.3. Approval for ratification of payroll and expense vouchers for March 2022.
H.4. Approval of the Regular Governing Board Meeting Minutes from March 10, 2022 and Special Board Meeting from March 15, 2022.
H.5. Approval of the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between the Pinal County Education Service Agency Consortium and Santa Cruz Valley Union High School District for the FY 2023-2025 school year.
H.6. Approval of the overnight travel for the softball team on May 6th and 7th in Phoenix, AZ for the state tournament. Possible baseball overnight travel on May 6th and 7th and May 12th at Rose Munford Softball complex, May 13th State Championship tournament at ASU.
H.7. Approval to approve the Proposed FY22-23 Exempt Salary Schedule.
H.8. Approval to approve the Proposed FY22-23 Classified Salary Schedule.
H.9. Approval of the Proposed FY22-23 Proposed Extra Duty Salary Schedule.
H.10. Approval of Senior Trip for the Class of May13-15, 2022.
H.11. Approval of the Santa Cruz Valley Union High School District #840 Retention Stipend Policy for FY22-23.
H.12. Approval of Santa Cruz Valley Union High School naming the high school track, that is part of our stadium for, Mr. Nap Lawrence.
H.13. Approval of the proposed 2022-2023 master calendar.
M.1. Call to Order
M.2. Pledge of Allegiance
M.3. Roll Call: Mrs. Ogle _________ Mrs. Sauceda_________
Ms. Flores ________ Mr. Reyes_________ Mr. Ysaguirre____________ |