August 26, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. MISSSION: WISD exists to cultivate each child's full potential, ultimately developing future-ready young adults.
Board Goals: 1. WISD will deliver, in a consistent manner a planed and monitored instructional program that ensures student success of essential academic skills. 2. WISD will provide opportunities for communities involvement that supports the educational emphasis of the district's mission. 3. WISD will build upon our culture of excellence by supporting students and staff through a commitment to quality, efficiency and continuous improvement in all district departments.
Superintendent Boyette
2. Call to Order and Establishment of Quorum
3. Welcome visitors/Invocation/Pledge of Allegiance
Superintendent Boyette
4. Board Recognitions - Board Goals 2
Ken King - Mark Hardy, presenter
Superintendent Boyette
5. Open forum - Board Goal 2
Superintendent Boyette
6. Information Items and Reports - Board Goals 1, 3
1. Superintendent's Report - Ms. Boyette 2. CFO's Report - Mr. Ling a. Delinquent Taxes - Linebarger b. Incentive Plan Q&A (third reading) 3. Curriculum & Instruction Report - Dr. Cox a. A-F overview with Distinctions 4. Director of Operations Report - Mr. Hardy
Superintendent Boyette
7. Consent Agenda: All items under the Consent Agenda are acted up by one motion. Upon a Board Member's request, any item on the Consent Agenda shall be moved to the Action portion of the regular agenda
A) Minutes - July 22, 2019; B) July 2019 bills and accounts; C) July tax office report; D) July 2019 financial statements; Budget Journal Entries
Superintendent Boyette/Mr. Ling
Motion _____________________________ Second ________________________
to approve consent agenda as presented For____ Opposed _____ Abstained ______ |
8. Business Items
A. Approve 2019-2020 Warren ISD Proposed Budget B. Approve the Warren ISD Tax Ordinance setting the 2019 tax rate C. Approve the 2018-19 Warren ISD amended budget D. Gasoline and diesel bid E. Approve Property and Liability Vendor for 2019-2020 F. Approve Incentive plan for 2019-2020
Superintendent Boyette/Mr. Ling
a) Mr. ________________ made a motion to approve the 2019-20 Warren ISD Proposed Budget
Mr. __________________ seconded the motion For______ Opposed ______ Abstained _______ b) Mr. ___________________ made a motion ____________________ to approve the Warren ISD Tax Ordinance setting the 2019 tax rate For_____ Opposed _____ Abstained _____ c) Mr. _____________ made a motion to approve the 2018-19 amended budget as presented Mr. _____________ seconded the motion d) Mr. __________ made a motion to approve the 2019-2020 gasoline/diesel bid as presented Mr. ______________ seconded the motion e) Mr. _________ made a motion to approve the Property & Liability Vendor for 2019-2020 Mr. __________________ seconded the motion f) Mr. __________________ made a motion to approve the Incentive plan for 2019-2020 Mr. _______________ seconded the motion |
9. Closed Executive Session for the purpose permitted by: Pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections 551.074, discussion of personnel matters including appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a district employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an employee; consultation with legal counsel
Superintendent of Schools
10. Reconvene from Closed Executive Session for Action Relative to Items considered during the Closed Session: Employment recommendations/resignations (Information only)
Superintendent Boyette
11. Action on Closed Session items
Superintendent Boyette
12. Board Member report
A) Activity report
Superintendent of Schools
13. Future agenda items
A. Mandatory Legislative update - Sept. 12, 2019 @ 7 p.m.; dinner, 6:30 p.m. B. District Improvement Plan/Campus Improvement Plan to be approved in September
Superintendent Boyette
14. Progress Monitoring reports (information only)
Superintendent Boyette
15. Adjourn
Superintendent Boyette