August 19, 2009 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
Call to Order
Roll Call (Establishment of Quorum)
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence
Board President Opening Remarks
Open Forum
Everyday Greatness
Consent Agenda
(Items may be considered individually if so requested by Board)
Approve minutes from the meetings dated July 15, and August 5, 2009
Approve bills for the month of July in the amount of $960,292.96
Consider and accept donations and amend the budget as necessary to reflect donations
Special Revenue Funds
Budget Comparisons: General Fund and Debt Service Fund
Principal's Report: campus activity updates
Aux Services Report
Curriculum Report: C-SCOPE update
Action Items
Consider a request from MHS band program for a spring trip, and take action as necessary
Discuss and consider designation of 4-H as an approved extracurricular activity and designation of Guadalupe County Extension faculty as adjunct faculty, and take action as necessary
Review and consider list of approved clubs and activities for extracurricular status designation, and take action as necessary
Review and consider the District Appraisal Calendar and list of approved appraisers for 2009-2010, and take action as necessary
Review and consider extension of contract with MYO for usage of softball fields by District teams for 2009-2010, and take action as necessary
Review and consider agreement for services with Medicaid Claim Solutions of Texas, Inc., for Medicaid reimbursement submissions, and take action as necessary
Consideration of President creating a committee to review and make recommendations regarding building projects in the district, specifically to include science and technology labs for Marion High School, and other smaller projects district-wide
Receive and consider parent appeal of student transfer denial, and take action as necessary
Personnel: employment, assignment, reassignment, resignation, termination, non-renewal, and related issues
Superintendent appraisal, goals, directives, contract and compensation.
Goals added to the appraisal or clarified for the appraisal
Directives to the Superintendent
Items for inclusion on the September 16, 2009 Board meeting agenda: Public Hearing on FIRST rating, enrollment reports, review of H1N1 procedures and CDC recommendations