July 16, 2008 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
Call to Order
Roll Call (Establishment of Quorum)
Pledge of Allegiance
Moment of Silence
Board President Opening Remarks
Open Forum
Consent Agenda
(Items may be considered individually if so requested by Board)
Approve minutes from the meeting dated June 18, 2008
Approve bills for the month of June in the amount of $698,725.24
Approve Campus Activity Accounts for the month of June 2008
Consider and accept donations as necessary, and amend the budget to reflect donations
Special Revenue Funds
Quarterly Investment Report
Breakfast and Lunch Prices for 2008-2009 school year
Budget Comparisons: General Fund and Debt Service Fund
Action Items
Receive and consider preliminary discussion summary from Citizen Action Committee meetings, and take action as necessary
Discuss and consider Interagency Agreements with the Community Council of South Central Texas for provision of Head Start services in the district, and take action as necessary
Review and discuss Transportation Department Status Report, and take action as necessary
Discuss and consider contract with Marion Youth Organization for use of softball field and access to district gymnasiums, and take action as necessary
Discuss and consider contract with the City of Marion for provision of school resource officer services, and take action as necessary
Items for inclusion on the August 20, 2008 Board meeting agenda
Personnel: employment, assignment, reassignment, resignation, termination, non-renewal, and related issues.
Consider, discuss, and take action on contracts and employment of professional staff, as necessary
Superintendent appraisal, goals, directives, contract and compensation.
Goals added to the appraisal or clarified for the appraisal
Directives to the Superintendent
Level III Parent/Employee Grievance