September 18, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Board Business Meeting B
Agenda |
1. Meeting Called to Order
1.A. Roll Call of Board Members Present and Declaration of Quorum Present______ Absent______
1.A.1. Mrs. Christina Martinez
1.A.2. Ms. Alicia Sebastian
1.A.3. Mr. Arthur Valdez
1.A.4. Mr. Ed Garza
1.A.5. Ms. Leticia Ozuna
1.A.6. Mrs. Sarah Sorensen
1.A.7. Mrs. Stephanie Torres
1.B. Recording of Superintendent Present
1.B.1. Dr. Jaime Aquino
1.C. Pledge of Allegiance to the U. S. Flag
1.D. Salute to the Texas Flag - "Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible."
1.E. Citizens' Presentations - 60-minute total time limit for this item
2. Governance
2.A. Board Goal Updates: Goals 1, 2, & 3
2.B. Approval of the Amendments to the SAISD Code of Ethics
2.C. Presentation on the Initial Rightsizing Recommendation
3. Consent Agenda
3.A. Acceptance of the Prior Year Follow-Up Charter Schools Compliance & Accountability Audit as Recommended by the Audit Committee
3.B. Acceptance of the School Audit – Whittier Middle School as Recommended by the Audit Committee
3.C. Approval of #2A of 2 Guaranteed Maximum Price related to the 2020 Bond Project at Brackenridge High School
3.D. Approval of Resolution to Designate Investment Officers for the San Antonio Independent School District and Update of Certification of Authorized Representatives for Investment Accounts
3.E. Approval of Monthly Budget Reports and Amendments for September 2023
3.F. Approval of the Quarterly Investment Report, March 2023, and June 2023
3.G. Approval of Procurement Services’ Recommendations for Bids, Proposals, and Awards
3.H. Approval of Minutes for the following meetings:
3.H.1. August 21, 2023 minutes
4. Closed Session
4.A. The Board will convene in Closed Session as authorized by the Texas Government Code Chapter 551, et. Seq. (TGC 551.071, TGC 551.072, TGC 551.074, and TGC 551.076)
4.A.1. Deliberation regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real estate, including legal issues on the acquisition process. (TGC 551.071 and TGC 551.072)
4.A.2. Deliberation regarding personnel matters, including but not limited to employment, duties, discipline, reassignment, resignation, retirement, reclassification, and dismissal of an employee. (TGC 551.071 and TGC 551.074)
4.A.3. Deliberation regarding the deployment and the specific occasions for implementation of security personnel or devices and security audit pursuant to the requirements of HB3. (TGC 551.076)
4.A.4. Proposal to terminate probationary contract teacher(s) for good cause pursuant to TEC 21.104 (TGC 551.071 and TGC 551.074)
4.A.5. Proposal to terminate non-Chapter 21 contract employee for convenience and direct the Superintendent to deliver 30 days’ notice of termination to employee (TGC 551.071 and TGC 551.074)
4.A.6. Consultation with legal counsel and discussion regarding pursuing sanctions against educators who have abandoned their contract pursuant to TEC 21.210 and 19 TAC 249.14. (TGC 551.071 and TGC 551.074)
4.A.7. Consultation with legal counsel on legal issues related to the audit plan and related audit matters. (TGC 551.071)
4.A.8. Consultation with legal counsel and discussion regarding a security audit for the District. (TGC 551.071 and TGC 551.076)
4.A.9. Consultation with legal counsel regarding pending litigation related to face covering and vaccination requirements. (TGC 551.071)
4.A.10. Consultation with legal counsel regarding contractual and legal issues related to 1882 partnerships. (TGC 551.071)
4.B. The Board will reconvene in Open Session and take appropriate action on items discussed in Closed Session.
5. Adjournment
5.A. Adjournment
6. Trustees Q&A Document Related to the Agenda