April 13, 2015 at 5:30 PM - Board Business Meeting A
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Meeting Called to Order
1.A.1. Roll Call of Board Members Present and Declaration of Quorum Present______ Absent______
1.A.1.a. Mr. Ed Garza
1.A.1.b. Ms. Olga Hernandez
1.A.1.c. Mr. Arthur Valdez
1.A.1.d. Mr. James Howard
1.A.1.e. Ms. Debra Guerrero
1.A.1.f. Mr. Steve Lecholop
1.A.1.g. Ms. Patti Radle
1.A.2. Recording of Superintendent Present
1.A.2.a. Dr. Sylvester Perez
1.A.3. Pledge of Allegiance to the U. S. Flag
1.A.4. Salute to the Texas Flag - "Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible."
1.B. Citizens' Presentations - 60 minute total time limit for this item
2. Recognitions and Resolutions
2.A. Recognition of the SAISD Bus Wrap Art Contest Winners
3. Governance
3.A. Approval of the Memorandum of Agreement between the Alamo Colleges, San Antonio College and San Antonio ISD for Participation in the Alamo Academies’ HB5 Endorsement Academy
3.B. Discussion and Action on the Wide Area Network Circuits Procurement, Request for Proposal (RFP) #14-056(AT)
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Approval of Resolution to Support the Development of Peer Support Partnership: Pathways to Teaching Success
4.B. Approval of International Baccalaureate Application for Woodlawn Academy
4.C. Approval of the Amendment to the Contract with Institute for Public School Initiatives, State Literacy Liaison for the Texas Literacy Initiative Grant
4.D. Approval of Revised Board Policy EIE (LOCAL)
4.E. Approval of Rental Usage of Alamo Stadium by Corinthians FC of San Antonio
4.F. Approval of Rental Usage of Alamo Stadium Northwest Parking Lots by San Antonio Sports
4.G. Approval of Rental Usage of Alamo Stadium Northwest Parking Lots (#2 & #3) by the CE Group, Inc.
4.H. Approval of Monthly Budget Reports and Amendments for April 2015
4.I. Approval of Minutes for the following meeting:
4.I.1. March 16, 2015 Board Business Meeting A
4.I.2. March 23, 2015 Board Business Meeting B
4.I.3. March 26, 2015 Special Board Meeting
4.I.4. March 30, 2015 Special Board Meeting
4.I.5. March 31, 2015 Special Board Meeting
5. Closed Session
5.A. The Board will convene in Closed Session as authorized by the Texas Government Code Chapter 551, et. Seq. (TGC 551.071, TGC 551.072, and TGC 551.074)
5.A.1. Deliberate and consider the selection of the Superintendent of Schools and consider a finalist or finalists for the position of the Superintendent of Schools. (TGC 551.071 and TGC 551.074)
5.A.2. Deliberation regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real estate, including legal issues on the acquisition process. (TGC 551.071 and TGC 551.072)
5.A.3. Regular personnel (TGC 551.074)
5.A.3.a. Election of New Employees 2014-2015
5.A.4. Deliberation regarding terminations, promotions, reclassifications, and assignments of District personnel as recommended by the Administration (TGC 551.071 and TGC 551.074).
5.B. The Board will reconvene in Open Session and take appropriate action on items discussed in Closed Session.
6. Other Business and Adjournment
6.A. Adjournment