January 17, 2012 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Business
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Meeting Called to Order
1.A.1. Roll Call of Board Members Present and Declaration of Quorum Present______ Absent______
1.A.1.a. Mr. James Howard
1.A.1.b. Mr. Ruben D. Cuero
1.A.1.c. Ms. Olga Hernandez
1.A.1.d. Ms. Adela R. Segovia
1.A.1.e. Mr. Ed Garza
1.A.1.f. Ms. Patti Radle
1.A.1.g. Mr. Carlos Villarreal
1.A.2. Recording of Superintendent Present
1.A.2.a. Dr. Robert J. Duron
1.A.3. Pledge of Allegiance to the U. S. Flag
1.A.4. Salute to the Texas Flag - "Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible."
1.B. Citizens' Presentations - 60 minute total time limit for this item
2. Recognitions and Presentations
2.A. Discussion/Action: Approval of the SAISD Board of Trustees Resolution in Recognition of School Counseling Week
2.B. Discussion: Presentation on Impact of Texas Education Code (TEC) 39.025 on Students’ Graduation
2.C. Discussion: Presentation by Trustee Carlos Villarreal
3. Governance
3.A. Discussion/Action: The Board will consider and take action on the resignation of Mr. Carlos Villarreal, Trustee, District 3
3.B. Discussion/Action: The Board will discuss and take action on a procedure for filling the vacancy of Trustee, Carlos Villarreal, District 3
3.C. Discussion/Action: Presentation and Approval of Redistricting Services Based on the 2010 Census
3.D. Discussion/Action: Approval of Additional Services Proposal as submitted by First Southwest Company and Cabrera Capital Markets, LLC
3.E. Discussion/Action: Approval of the Student Attendance Incentive
3.F. Discussion/Action: Approval of the 2011 – 2012 District Improvement Plan (DIP)
3.G. Discussion/Action: Approval of Innovative High School Course, College Transitions
3.H. Discussion: SAISD Board of Trustee Sub-committee Reports
3.I. Discussion: Update on the Bond 2010 Implementation Plan
3.J. Discussion: Update from the Bond 2010 Citizens Oversight Committee
3.K. Discussion/Action: Discuss and approve a resolution to establish the appropriate parameters for the expenditure of Bond funds among Bond projects
3.L. Discussion/Action: Discuss and take appropriate action on the assignment of project management services for the Alamo Stadium/Convocation Center project
4. Consent Agenda
4.A. Discussion/Action: Approval of Revisions to Policies CQ(LOCAL), FNC(LOCAL), FNCE(LOCAL), FMH(LOCAL), and EFE(LOCAL); Approval of New Policy BBI(LOCAL) and CY(LOCAL) – Second Reading
4.B. Discussion/Action: Approval of Revisions to Policy CDA(LOCAL) – Second Reading
4.C. Discussion/Action: Approval of Materials Management/Purchasing/Warehousing/ Textbooks Department Recommendations for Bids, Proposals and Awards
4.D. Discussion/Action: Approval of District’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ended August 31, 2011
4.E. Discussion/Action: Approval of Fund Balance for the Fiscal Year Ended August 31, 2011
4.F. Discussion/Action: Approval of Monthly Budget Reports and Amendments for January 2012
4.G. Discussion/Action: Approval of the Agreement between SAISD and Reasoning Mind to implement the Reasoning Mind Online Learning and Professional Development Program, a TEA Funded Program
4.H. Discussion/Action: Approval of Rental Usage of Alamo Stadium by the Sip It Company
4.I. Discussion/Action: Approval of Rental Usage of Sports Complex Softball Triplex Fields by St. Mary's University
4.J. Discussion/Action: Approval of Acquisition for Real Property located on 114 Cedar Street, Bexar County, Texas (NCB 945, Block S PT 2, Lot W 145.5 ft. of 2 or A 26)
4.K. Discussion/Action: Approval of the Master Plan and Scope Prioritization for the Jefferson High School Bond 2010 Project
4.L. Discussion/Action: Approval of the Schematic Designs for Cameron and Ogden Elementary Schools under Bond 2010 Projects
4.M. Discussion/Action: Approval of Minutes for the following meetings
4.M.1. December 5, 2011 Special Called Board Meeting
5. Curriculum and Instruction - None Presented.
6. Facilities - None Presented.
7. Finance - None Presented.
8. Human Resources - None Presented.
9. Closed Session
9.A. The Board will convene in Closed Session as authorized by the Texas Government Code Chapter 551, et. Seq. (TGC 551.071, TGC 551.072, and TGC 551.074)
9.A.1. Regular Personnel (TGC 551.074)
9.A.1.a. Election of New Employees 2011-2012
9.A.1.b. Retiring Employees
9.A.1.c. Resigning Employees
9.A.2. Deliberation regarding terminations, promotions, reclassifications, assignments and reassignments of District personnel as recommended by the Administration. (TGC 551.071 and TGC 551.074).
9.A.3. Proposal to terminate term contract employee(s) for good cause during the term of the contract and suspend the term contract employee(s) without pay pending termination, all pursuant to Texas Education Code 21.211. (TGC 551.071 and TGC 551.074)
9.A.4. Proposal to terminate continuing contract teacher(s) for good cause and proposal to suspend the continuing contract employee(s) without pay pending termination, all pursuant to Texas Education Code section 21.156 (TGC 551.071 and TGC 551.074)
9.A.5. Proposal to non-renew term contract employee(s) at the end of the 2011-2012 school year pursuant to TEC 21.206 (TGC 551.071 and TGC 551.074)
9.A.6. Discussion and approval of differential pay adjustment for the Interim Associate Superintendent of Finance. (TGC 551.071 and TGC 551.074)
9.A.7. Consultation with attorney and discussion regarding status of audit investigations into federal programs and adult education program allegations. (TGC 551.071 and TGC 551.074)
9.A.8. Consultation with attorney and discussion regarding status of Cause No. SA-11-CA-0727, D.G.R. v. San Antonio ISD, Federal District Court, Western District of Texas and presentation of settlement offer. (TGC 551.071)
9.A.9. Deliberation regarding the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real estate, including legal issues on the acquisition process. (TGC 551.071 and TGC 551.072)
9.A.10. Discuss legal issues pertaining to the necessary scope of improvements, zoning and development, and proposed uses of Alamo Stadium/Convocation Center property. (TGC 551.071 and TGC 551.072)
9.A.11. Conduct Superintendent’s Evaluation, consider the Superintendent’s employment contract and consultation with legal counsel” pursuant to TGC 551.074 and TGC 551.071.
9.B. The Board will reconvene in Open Session and take appropriate action on items discussed in Closed Session.
10. Other Business and Adjournment
10.A. Adjournment