September 21, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call meeting to order
II. Invocation and Pledges to Allegiance
III. Recognitions
IV. Public comments and/or comments related to posted board agenda items.
V. Consent Agenda
V.A. Review approval of minutes:
V.A.1. Regular meeting of August 17, 2021
V.A.2. Public hearing of August 31, 2021, 5:30 p.m.
V.A.3. Public hearing of August 31, 2021, 5:45 p.m.
V.A.4. Special meeting of August 31, 2021
V.A.5. Special meeting of September 7, 2021
V.B. Consider approval of overnight trips.
V.B.1. CSHS Overnight Trips 2021-2022 SY
V.B.2. SWLHS Overnight Trips 2021-2022 SY
V.B.3. SWHS Overnight Trips 2021-2022 SY
V.B.4. CSHS Engineering Programing of Study students to College Station, Texas
V.C. Board amendment
V.D. Consider approval of ACE Mentoring Program MOU.
V.E. Consider approval of STARBASE Kelly MOA.
V.F. Consider approval of Resolution for Bexar County 4-H.
V.G. Consider approval of purchase of police vehicles.
VI. Items of Information
VI.A. Construction update
VI.B. Monthly Tax Report
VI.C. Monthly Financial Report
VI.D. Monthly Investment Report
VI.E. Report on Gifts & Bequests
VI.F. Enrollment Report
VI.G. Review Purchases Over $50,000
VI.H. Calendar of Events
VI.I. STAAR Assessment Update
VII. Superintendent
VII.A. Superintendent's recommendations on personnel and administrator employment, resignations, reassignments, leaves of absence, contract renewals
VIII. Administration & Human Resources
VIII.A. Consider approval of Central Office Professional Evaluation System.
VIII.B. Consider approval of Central Office Paraprofessional Evaluation System.
IX. Business & Finance
IX.A. Consider approval of audit of the State Comptroller's findings on the districts taxable property value.
IX.B. Consider approval of additional stipends to the 2021-2022 district compensation plan.
IX.C. Consider approval of City Public Service electric and gas right-of-way agreement for the new SWISD Aquatic Center site.
IX.D. Consider approval of change order no. 1 for the SWISD Middle School Tracks Project.
X. Curriculum & Instruction
X.A. Consider approval for the purchase of Renaissance Learning products.
X.B. Consider approval of Lead4ward contract services.
X.C. Consider approval of Frontline renewal IEP eStar.
X.D. Consider approval of purchase from Shmoop University, Inc.
X.E. Consider approval of SWISD 2021-2022 walk-through form.
XI. Closed Session
As permitted by Sections, 551.001-551.146 of the Texas Government Code (the Open Meetings Law). |
XI.A. Pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.074, discussion on personnel and administrator employment, resignations, reassignments, leaves of absence, contract renewals.
XI.B. In Accordance with Texas Government Code, Section 551.072 Deliberation Regarding Real Property
XII. Convene in Open Session and take appropriate action on items discussed in Closed Session.
XIII. Other Business
XIV. Adjournment