January 22, 2024 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance
1.B. Roll Call and Establish Quorum
2. Public Comment
2.A. Open Forum to address the Board
2.B. Public Hearings
3. Monitoring Calendar Reports
3.A. Student Outcome Addition - December End of Course Testing
3.B. Student Outcome Goals - Dual Credit, CTE and IBCs
3.C. Adult Priorities
3.C.1. Bus Routes On Time Percentages
3.C.2. Annual Financial Audit Report as presented by Kelly Birdwell of Wilf & Henderson, P.C.
4. Consent Items:
4.A. Approve the Minutes from the December 11, 2023 Regular School Board meeting.
4.B. Approve the Monthly Financial Reports for the month of December 2023.
4.C. Consider/Approve the Annual Financial Audit Report as presented by Kelly Birdwell of Wilf & Henderson, P.C.
4.D. Consideration and possible approval of requesting a waiver to excuse Wednesday, January 17th from ADA and FSP funding calculations.
For low attendance days, Districts can request a waiver to excuse any instructional days from ADA and FSP funding calculations that have attendance at least 10 percentage points below the last school year's overall average attendance, for the district due to inclement weather, health, or safety-related issues.
In the waiver, we will attach supporting documentation of low attendance for the day (including the reason for the low attendance rate - inclement weather and road conditions) and the prior year's attendance report (showing the average for the year) for our district. Excluding these days for ADA and FSP funding does NOT exclude them from the required number of instructional minutes. |
5. Action Items:
6. Information Items:
6.A. Financial Information Reports for the month of December 2023.
6.B. Athletic Director's Report
6.C. Superintendent's Report
6.C.1. School Board Recognition - Locally Elected, Community Connected.
6.C.2. Update on auction and possible alternatives for removal of old maintenance building
6.C.3. The 2022-2023 ESSA Federal Report Card - District and Both Campuses (to be published by March 4, 2024)
6.C.4. Progress on Gates and safety protocol after completion - also information regarding use of SAFE, Cycle 1, and possible Cycle 2 grants
7. Executive Session
7.A. Property
7.B. Personnel
7.B.1. Discipline
7.B.2. Employment
7.B.2.a. Superintendent Contract
7.B.3. Resignations
8. Consideration and possible approval of items discussed in executive session.
9. Adjournment