June 12, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.A. Pledge of Allegiance
1.B. Roll Call and Establish Quorum
2. Public Comment
2.A. Open Forum to address the Board
2.B. Public Hearings
3. Monitoring Calendar Reports
3.A. Student Outcome Goals (None for this month)
3.B. Adult Priorities
3.B.1. Adult Priority 2.3 (% Teachers >/= Proficient)
4. Consent Items:
4.A. Approve the Minutes from the May 08, 2023 Regular School Board meeting.
4.B. Approve the Monthly Financial Reports for the month of May 2023.
4.C. Tabled Item: Consideration and possible approval of submitting a Resolution to the TASB Advocacy Agenda.
4.D. Consideration and possible approval of Notice of Candidate Filing Period for Trustee Place 6 and 7.
4.E. Consideration and possible approval of 3% extra profit stipend for ELDT program
4.F. Consideration and possible approval of hazardous bus routes to include any that cross Highway 323, 135 or 850 (past the school where no sidewalks exist) or cross the railroad tracks.
5. Action Items:
6. Information Items:
6.A. Financial Information Reports for the month of May 2023.
6.B. Update121 - First Reading
6.C. 2023-24 Handbooks Update
6.D. Maintenance Report
6.E. Superintendent's Report
7. Executive Session
7.A. Property
7.A.1. Consider purchase of property located at 405 E Henderson Street
7.A.2. Review Bus Repair Costs and plan for replacement buses
7.B. Personnel
7.B.1. Discipline
7.B.2. Employment
7.B.3. Superintendent's Evaluation
7.B.4. Resignations
8. Consideration and possible approval of items discussed in executive session.
9. Adjournment