April 25, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Special Called Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call and Establish Quorum
3. Open Forum to address the Board
4. Consent Items:
4.A. Consideration and possible approval of locally certifying Scotty Laymance for Principals of Health Science through the District of Innovation plan.
4.B. Consideration and possible approval of adopting the renewal of the District of Innovation plan as recommended by the DOI committee.
5. Executive Session
5.A. Property
5.B. Personnel
5.B.1. Discipline
5.B.2. Employment
5.B.3. Resignations
5.B.4. Discussion with possible action to hire Lone Finalist Larry Calhoun as Superintendent.
6. Consideration and possible approval of items discussed in executive session.
7. Adjournment