November 8, 2022 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call the Meeting to Order, Roll Call, and Establish Quorum
2. US and Texas Pledge/Moment of Silence:
3. Public Comments/Audience Participation - Speakers will have a total of 3 minutes to address their view of the specified agenda item(s). After all public comments are heard, the audience is not to participate in discussion or debate on matters being considered by the Board, unless requested by the presiding officer.
4. Special Staff Recognition
Dr. Chad Kelly
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Minutes from October 11, 2022 Regular Meeting.
6. Board Action Items
6.A. Discuss and Consider approving the Entry Gates Construction bid through the 791 Purchasing Cooperative in the amount of $42,940 to Gerloff Company, Inc.
Dr. Chad Kelly
6.B. Discuss and Consider approving the purchase(not to exceed $50,000) of a school vehicle to replace the recently wrecked/totaled(hit deer) 2009 Ford Escape.
Dr. Chad Kelly
7. Informational Items
7.A. Principal's Report
Raymond Robinson
7.B. Athletic Director/ELA Report
Michael Soto
7.C. Business Manager Report
Clay Wolff
7.C.1. Accounts Payable for October 2022
7.C.2. Investment Report
7.C.3. Report of Bus Replacement Plan and projected costs.
Clay Wolff
7.D. Bringing Fiber to Pawnee ISD
Dr. Chad Kelly
7.E. Review of purified water fountains vs. bottle water service.
Dr. Chad Kelly
7.F. Report on the expence savings of purchasing a car to transport a student to Corpus Christi ISD each day.
Dr. Chad Kelly
8. CLOSED (EXECUTIVE) SESSION: Board will adjourn into Closed Session pursuant to the following sections of the Texas Open Meetings Act. The Board will convene in Closed Session as authorized by the Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. et. seq TGC 551.071 and 551.074.
8.A. Employment/Resignations/Retirements (TGC: 551.074)
Dr. Chad Kelly
8.B. Safety and Security: Pawnee ISD's Guardian Program (TCG: 551.076)
Dr. Chad Kelly
8.C. Possible Land Accusition (TGC: 551.072)
Dr. Chad Kelly
9. Reconvene from closed session(Pursuant to TEC Code 551.02) and possible action on items discussed in closed session
10. Adjourn