March 6, 2025 at 5:30 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda | ||||||||||||||||
I. Pledge of Allegiance/ Invocation
II. Call to Order
III. Public Comments
Opportunity for all citizens to address the Board. Should the citizen's comments include complaints or charges against a MISD employee or board member, the Board may adjourn to closed meeting under Section 551.07-1 of the Texas Government Code to hear such complaints or charges. This closed meeting may occur at any point during the meetings. |
IV. Action Items
IV.A. Consider and Approve Removing the Interim Superintendent's Spending Threshold to Align with Local Policy
IV.B. Consider and Approve Texas CLASS Investment Pool
V. Discussion Items
V.A. Consultation with Region 3 Regarding the Superintendent Search Process
V.B. Superintendent Report
VI. Closed Session will be held/or the purposes authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq. Concerning any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including but not limited to the following sections and purposes:
Texas Government Code Section:
VI.A. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Election Matters. This Consultation May Take Place Telephonically. Tex. Gov’t Code 551.071, 551.129.
VII. Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session
VIII. Adjournment