December 14, 2009 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to order
2. Establish a quorum
3. Open session for public comment
4. Mike Darlow - Brazoria County Delinquent Tax Attorney - Presentation
5. Finance report
6. Superintendent's report
6.A. Enrollment report
6.B. Report of staffing
6.C. Mold Inspection Report
6.D. Facility report
6.E. Construction calendar
7. Grants update
8. Principal's report
8.A. Special Programs Report
8.B. Follow up report on Damon students enrolled in Needville I.S.D.
8.C. Formative Testing
9. Consider a public hearing for the AEIS report
10. Order calling for organizational meeting of the Damon ISD facility construction corporation
11. Consider the sale of a designated plot of land to the Damon ISD Facility Construction Corporation.
11.A. Consider a special board meeting for construction update on January 14, 2009.
12. Consider a resolution to approve bylaws for the PFC
13. Consider approval of Board Policy Update 86
14. Consider engagment letter with the CPA, JOhn Pechacek
15. Kennemer, Masters & Lunsford, LLC
16. Consider approval of a teacher contract
17. Consider tax resale bid
18. Sheriff's Deed
19. Review and approve "Board and Superintendent Calendar of Events"
20. Consider the format for the superintendent's evaluation
21. Texas Ethics Commission
22. Approve minutes from tonight's meeting - Dec. 14, 2009
23. Adjourn