May 11, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approval of the Agenda
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 27, 2015
5.B. Minutes of the Special Meeting of April 30, 2015
5.C. Payment of the Bills through May 1, 2015
6. Superintendent's Report
7. First Hearing of the Public
8. Correspondence
9. Discussion/Action
9.A. Board
9.A.1. Executive Closed Session
Attorney/Client Privilege-Written Opinion
9.A.2. Resolution to Consider Designation of Electoral Representative for the June 1, 2015, ISD Biennial Election Meeting
9.A.3. Resolution for 2015 MISD Budget
9.A.4. Office of Treasurer
9.B. Business/Finance
9.B.1. 2015-16 Food Service Agreement
9.B.2. Transportation Bid Recommendation
9.B.3. High School Boiler Recommendation
9.C. Curriculum/Instruction
2015-16 District Calendar
9.D. Personnel
Non-instructional New Hires-EDESA
9.D.1. June Gebstadt-Secretary I-43 Week, Forest Park Elementary School
9.D.2. Josephine Sacharski-Secretary I-43 Week, Pleasantview Elementary School
10. Second Hearing of the Public
11. Trustee Announcements
12. Executive Closed Session
13. Adjournment