January 17, 2008 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Pledge to the Flag
4. Approval of the Agenda
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Minutes of December 20, 2007
5.B. Minutes of January 3, 2008
5.C. Payment of the Bills
6. Superintendent's Report
7. Student Representative Comments
8. Hearing of the Public
9. Correspondence
10. Committee Reports
11. Action Items
11.A. Student Recruitment Campaign
11.B. Instructional New Hire
11.B.1. Kevin Mapplebeck
11.B.2. Gina Ruffini
11.C. Supplemental Contract
Varsity Baseball Coach-D.Zauner
11.D. Increase in Healthcare Consulting Services
11.E. High School Instructional Staff Increase
11.F. Change in High School Instructional Staff
11.G. Oakwood Instructional Staff Increase
11.H. Tenure Teachers
11.I. Policy Revisions
11.I.1. Policy 7110
11.I.2. Policy 7900
11.J. Bank Resolutions/Declarations
11.J.1. First State Bank
11.J.2. LaSalle Bank
11.J.3. Comerica
11.K. 2007-2008 Michigan School Readiness Program State Aid
Participating Resolution
11.L. Grade Reallignment
12. Discussion Items
12.A. Board Committees
12.B. Academic Eligibility for Extra Curricular Activities
13. Hearing of the Public
14. Trustee Comments, Observations and Suggestions
15. Executive Session
15.A. Student Discipline 07/08-08
15.B. Negotiations
16. Adjournment