March 26, 2008 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1) Call to Order Open Session in the Board Room of the Lovenberg Administration Building, 3904 Avenue T, Galveston, Texas.
2) Citizen's Request to Address the Board on Agenda and Non-Agenda Items. Please complete sign-up sheets available in the lobby prior to the start of the meeting, 3904 Avenue T, Galveston, Texas.
3) Superintendent's Report:
3)A) Special Olympics Spotlight
3)B) Anger Resolution - Terri Watkins
3)C) Rezoning Proposal Update
3)D) Skyward Finance Software Conversion Update - Elsie Schiro
3)E) TAKS - Spanish Testing Rules
3)F) Fingerprinting Employees
3)G) Teacher Pay Scale
4) The Board will recess into Closed Executive Session in the Library as permitted by the Texas Open Meetings Act Government Code Subchapter D551.074 - Personnel, Subchapter D551.071 - Consultation with Attorney and Subchapter D551.082 - Expulsion Hearing. The Board and Superintendent May Discuss:
4)A) Discuss termination of probationary contract at the end of the contract term for a teacher at Austin Middle School
4)B) Discuss returning to a probationary administrative contract from a term contract for an Assistant Principal at Ball High School
4)C) Discuss returning to a probationary professional employee contract from a term contract for a teacher at Rosenberg Elementary
4)D) Discuss proposed non-renewal of an Administrative term contract, Testing Coordinator, due to program change as stated in Board Policy DFBB (Local)
4)E) Hearing regarding the appeal of a disciplinary matter involving a student at Ball High School
5) The Board will reconvene into Open Session in the Board Room of the GISD Administration/Support Center Building, 3904 Avenue T, Galveston, Texas.
6) REGULAR AGENDA - Action Items
6)A) Discuss and consider action regarding hearing on the appeal of a disciplinary matter involving a student at Ball High School
6)B) Discuss and consider the Elementary Rezoning Proposal
6)C) Discuss and consider approval of minutes from the Special Meeting on February 20, 2008
6)D) Discuss and consider possible action to determine the existence of a financial exigency and/or the necessity of program changes pursuant to policy DFF (Local)
6)E) Discuss and consider routine appointments and resignations
6)F) Discuss and consider termination of a probationary contract at the end of the contract term for a teacher at Austin Middle School in the best interest of the district
6)G) Discuss and consider return to a probationary administrative contract from a term contract for an Assistant Principal at Ball High School
6)H) Discuss and consider return to a probationary professional employee contract from a term contract for a teacher at Rosenberg Elementary
6)I) Discuss and consider proposed non-renewal of an Administrative term contract (Testing Coordinator) due to program change as stated in Board Policy DFBB (Local)
6)J) Discuss and consider contract extensions and renewals for Administrative and Professional Employee contracts
6)K) Discuss and consider the 2008-2009 Galveston ISD school calendar
6)L) Discuss and consider the approval of Innovative Course Applications for 2008-2009
6)M) Discuss and consider the TEA request for maximum class size waiver
6)N) Discuss and consider the approval of 2007-08 budget amendment
6)O) Discuss and consider approval of district flood insurance
6)P) Discuss and consider approval of payment of attorney fees
6)Q) Discuss and consider continuation of property/casualty insurance with Galveston Insurance Agency (GIA)
6)R) Discuss and consider approval of anticipated expenditures of $25,000 and over for the Fiscal Year 2007-2008
6)S) Discuss and consider approval of District Awards for Teacher Excellence (DATE)
6)T) Discuss and consider uses for San Jacinto Elementary building
6)U) Discuss and consider policy CDC (Local) - Other Revenues - Grants from Private Sources
6)V) Discuss and consider policy GKC (Local) - Community Relations - Visitors to the Schools
6)W) Routine Reports
7) Suggested Future Agenda Items
8) Board Comments
9) Adjournment