May 16, 2007 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1) Call to Order Open Session in Annex A, 3906 Avenue T, Galveston, Texas
2) Superintendent's Report:
2)A) The Superintendent will highlight Alamo, Rosenberg and Ball High
2)B) Recognition of 5th grade math students who made perfect scores on TAKS Math
2)C) Recognition of GISD current retirees
2)D) Recognition of Supt.'s Student and Teacher Advisory Councils
2)E) Citizenship Awards
2)F) Budget Process Updates - Arnold Proctor
2)G) Bond Updates - Fred Niccum
2)H) Demographic Study Presentation
3) Citizen's Request to Address the Board on Agenda and Non-Agenda Items. Please complete sign-up sheets available in the lobby prior to the start of the meeting, located in Annex A, 3906 Avenue T, Galveston, Texas.
4) The Board will recess into Closed Executive Session in the Library as permitted by the Texas Open Meetings Act Government Code Subchapter D551.074 - Personnel and Subchapter D551.071 - Consultation with Attorney. The Superintendent and Board may discuss:
4)A) Discuss considerations and implications of completion of bond work construction
4)B) Consider the elimination of the Grant's Coordinator position
4)C) Consider Superintendent's proposal to create the following position:
4)C)1) Policy and Grants Compliance Officer
4)D) Consider candidates for the following positions:
4)D)1) Magnet School Principal
4)D)2) Weis Middle School Principal
4)D)3) Parker Elementary School Principal
4)D)4) Director of MIS
4)D)5) Director of Finance
4)D)6) Ball High School Associate Principal
4)D)7) Elementary English/Language Arts Specialist
4)D)8) Secondary English/Language Arts Specialist
4)D)9) Secondary Mathematics Specialist
4)D)10) K-12 Social Studies Specialist
4)E) Consider approval of the Superintendent's Evaluation and Performance Goals
5) The Board will reconvene into Open Session in the Board Room of the GISD Administration/Support Center Building, 3904 Avenue T, Galveston, Texas.
6) CONSENT AGENDA - Action Items
6)A) Consider and approve naming the Magnet School Principal
6)B) Consider and approve naming the Weis Middle School Principal
6)C) Consider and approve naming the Parker Elementary School Principal
6)D) Consider and approve naming the Director of MIS
6)E) Consider and approve naming the Director of Finance
6)F) Consider and approve naming the Associate Principal for Ball High School
6)G) Consider and approve naming the Elementary English/Language Arts Specialist
6)H) Consider and approve naming the Secondary English/Language Arts Specialist
6)I) Consider and approve naming the Secondary Mathematics Specialist
6)J) Consider and approve naming the K-12 Social Studies Specialist
6)K) Consider approving the Position of Communications/Electronic Media Specialist
6)L) Minutes - Consider approval of minutes from Regular Meeting on April 18, 2007 and Special Board Workshop Meeting on May 2, 2007
6)M) Personnel - Consider routine appointments and resignations
6)N) Consider approval of Update 79 Policies
6)O) Consider approval of anticipated expenditures of $25,000 and over for fiscal year 2006-2007
6)P) Consider approval of Bid #07-16, Gym Floor Refinishing, to Quality Hardwood Floors in the estimated amount of $35,937.38
6)Q) Consider approval of Sale of Surplus Modular Building(s) located at Central Middle School
6)R) Consider approval of Interjurisdictional Mutual Aid Agreement between Clear Creek ISD, Dickinson ISD, Friendswood ISD, Galveston ISD, Hitchcock ISD, LaMarque ISD, Santa Fe ISD and Texas City ISD
6)S) Routine Reports
7) Action Items Deferred from the Consent Agenda
8) REGULAR AGENDA - Action Items
8)A) Discuss and consider approval of Public Information Consulting Services
8)B) Discuss and consider approval of KICKSTART Martial Arts program at Central Middle School for the 2007-2008 school year
8)C) Discuss and consider Bond 2003 change orders on construction projects
8)D) Discuss and consider approving agreements with the Texas Health and Human Services Commission
8)E) Discuss and consider request for Competitive Sealed Proposal #07-18, Central Middle School Phase V, Science Classroom Renovation
8)F) Discuss and consider approval of the Superintendent's Evaluation and Performance Goals
9) Suggested Future Agenda Items
10) Board Comments
11) Adjournment