June 21, 2006 at 7:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1) Call to Order Workshop Session at 6:00 PM in the Board Room. The Board will discuss:
1)A) Videotaping board meetings.
1)B) Update on relocation of San Jacinto students, Bilingual cluster students and transfer students.
2) Recess into closed/executive session in the Library following the workshop session as permitted by the Texas Open Meetings Act Government Code Subchapter D § 551.074- Personnel - discussion regarding the appointment of the Superintendent; new hires; resignations; resignation agreement and consideration of proposed termination of an elementary teacher contract; and consultation with attorney pursuant to Texas Government Code § 551.071 to seek advice about pending litigation, Cause No. G-06-270, in the United States District Court for Southern District of Texas, Galveston Division.
3) Call to Order Open Session at 7:30 PM in the Board Room of the GISD Administration Building.
4) Interim Superintendent's Report
4)A) Update on the Big Brothers, Big Sisters School-Based Mentoring Program by Cindy Shultz, Director BB/BS.
5) Citizen's Request to Address the Board on Agenda and Non-Agenda Items. Please complete sign-up sheets available in the lobby prior to the start of the meeting.
6) CONSENT AGENDA - Action Items
6)A) Consider approval of board minutes from May 1, 2006; May 15, 2006; May 17, 2006; May 23, 2006; May 29, 2006 and May 30, 2006.
6)B) Consider approval of resignations, resignation agreement and retirements.
6)C) Consider approval of budget amendments.
6)D) Consider awarding competitive sealed proposal (CSP) # 06-18 Ball High School addition and renovation phase II, package II.
6)E) Consider awarding request for proposal (RFP) # 06-24 fuel dispensing equipment upgrade.
6)F) Consider awarding request for proposal (RFP) # 06-25 parent notification system.
6)G) Consider awarding request for qualifications (RFQ) # 06-22 annual external audit.
6)H) Consider approval of the inter-local tax collection agreement for a three-year period beginning August 1, 2006 and ending July 31, 2009.
6)I) Consider approval of the 2006/07 renewal of the memorandum of understanding and the interlocal agreement for the Galveston County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program and the About Face Day Program.
6)J) Consider renewal of the 2006/07 annual membership participation fee to the Texas Building and Procurement Commission (TBPC).
6)K) Consider approval of sole source purchases that are anticipated to exceed $25,000.
6)L) Consider approval of Instructional Technology purchases exceeding $25,000.
6)M) Consider approval of 2006/07 contract renewals: Avondale House and Nancy O'Hare.
6)N) Consider renewal of GISD student/athletic accident insurance plan and catastrophic medical insurance plan for the 2006/07 school year.
6)O) Routine Reports
7) Action Items Deferred from the Consent Agenda.
8) REGULAR AGENDA - Action Items
8)A) Discuss and consider appointment and approval of contract for Lynne Cleveland for the position of Superintendent of Galveston ISD.
8)B) Discuss and consider possible action for the proposed termination of an elementary teacher contract.
8)C) Discuss and consider possible action regarding the Texas Education Agency audit report dated May 5, 2006.
8)D) Discuss and consider awarding request for proposal (RFP) #06-23 for a contract to perform a construction audit focused on job order contracting.
8)E) Discuss and consider possible action regarding an additional request for payment from Michael Gaertner Architects.
8)F) Discuss and consider approval of the 2006/07 Discipline Procedures Manual / Student Code of Conduct.
8)G) Discuss and consider approval of resolution authorizing membership in Energy for Schools, an electric power aggregator.
8)H) Discuss and consider approval of interlocal electricity procurement agreement pursuant to Chapter 791 of the Government Code.
8)I) Discuss and consider approval of Emergency Medical Services Program contract with Galveston College for the 2005/06 and 2006/07 school years and authorize payment of invoice for the 2005/06 school year.
8)J) Discuss and consider approval of Culinary Arts Program contract with Galveston College for the 2005/06 and 2006/07 school years and authorize payment of invoice for the 2005/06 school year.
8)K) Discuss and consider approval of grading guidelines for 2006/07.
8)L) Discuss and consider approval of contract with Caperton-Brown & Poole Consulting to provide training and program monitoring on the PASS Program.
8)M) Discuss and consider approval of information technology services agreement with Prologic Technology Systems, Inc. for 2006/07.
8)N) Discuss and take possible action regarding the planning of a retreat for the topic of “Team of Eight”.
8)O) Discuss and consider appointment of Board Committee members.
9) Recess into closed/executive session in the Library as permitted by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Government Code Subchapter D § 551.074 - Personnel - discuss district reorganization and currently filled positions not previously approved by the Board.
10) Reconvene in open session to vote on the following Action Items
10)A) Authorize the Superintendent to proceed with district staffing and program reorganization.
10)B) Ratify currently filled positions not previously approved by the Board.
11) Suggested Future Agenda Items
12) Comments from Trustees
13) Adjournment