January 19, 2005 at 7:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1) Call to Order Workshop Session at 6:00 PM in the Library of the GISD Administration Building. The Board and Superintendent will:
(1) Receive a study/report on the GISD Police Department; (2) Review the 2003-04 annual audit; (3) Discuss the status of the Kermit Courville Stadium; (4) Review items related to the agenda.
2) Closed Session at 7:00 PM in the Library. As permitted by the Texas Open Meetings Act Government Code Subchapter D 551.074- Personnel and Subchapter D 551.071 - Consultation with Attorney: (1) Fullen EEOC Complaint; (2) Fields, Baziel & Leigh EEOC Complaint; (3) Susan Thomas Powell - VS - GISD; (4) Superintendent's Evaluation and Contract.
3) Call to Order Open Session at 7:30 PM in the Board Room of the GISD Administration Building.
4) Open Public Hearing on the 2003-2004 Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) Report.
5) Close Public Hearing on the 2003-2004 Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) Report.
6) Superintendent's Report.
(1) BOARD RECOGNITION MONTH; (2) Presentation by Melanie Wiggins of the Galveston County Historical Commission regarding historic cemetary near location of new Bolivar school; (3) Update by Sonya Smith on the Central Middle School Juvenile Intervention Program; (4) Public notice/announcement of GISD's Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) Results; (5) Title III AMAO Accountability Requirements and Consequences; (6) Announcement of State's Plan to Implement AMAO Accountability Using 2005 TELPAS Results; (7) Update by L. Cleveland and B. Rawlins (co-chairs) on the School Zone and Facilities Usage Committee.
7) Citizen's Request to Address the Board on Agenda and Non-Agenda Items. Please complete sign-up sheets available in the lobby prior to the start of the meeting.
8) CONSENT AGENDA - Action Items.
8)A) Minutes - Consider Approval of Board Minutes from December 15, 2004 and January 5, 2005.
8)B) Personnel - Consider Routine Appointments, Resignations and Abandonment of Contract.
8)C) Personnel - Consider Approval of Administrator to Serve as an Appraiser of GISD Personnel During the 2004-2005 School Year.
8)D) Routine Reports.
9) Action Items Deferred from the Consent Agenda.
10) REGULAR AGENDA - Action Items.
10)A) Consider Annual Renewal of Superintendent's Contract.
10)B) Consider Approval of GISD Police Department Study/Report Recommendations.
10)C) Consider Approval of 2003-2004 Annual Audit.
10)D) Consider Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the Installation of a Historical Marker on the Site of a Cemetery Located on the Property of the Crenshaw Elementary and Middle School in Bolivar, Texas.
10)E) Consider Approval of Grant Application to the U.S. Department of Education for the Advanced Placement Incentive Program.
11) Suggested Future Agenda Items.
12) Adjournment.