June 10, 2024 at 4:30 PM - Workshop Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Establishment of a Quorum
3. Closed Session as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Section 551.001, et seq., concerning purposes permitted by the Act including:
3.A. 551.071 Consultation with Attorney
3.B. 551.074 Deliberate the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignments, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Employee or to Hear a Complaint or Charge Against an Employee
3.B.1. Consider Recommendation of Associate Principal
4. Community Input
5. Action on Closed Session Items
5.A. Consider Approval of Recommendation of Associate Principal
6. Action
6.A. Consent Agenda
6.A.1. Consider Approval of Human Resources Monthly Board Report
6.B. Consider Approval of the Use of Capital Projects Funds for Facility and Transportation Related Projects
6.C. Consider Approval of an ILA-Buyboard Contract to Purchase School Buses
6.D. Consider Approval of an ILA-Choice Partners Contract for the Safe Schools Renovation Project
6.E. Consider Approval to Reallocate 2023 Bond Funds from Kitchen Equipment to the Child Nutrition Training Room Addition at the Central Support Facility
7. Information and Discussion
7.A. 2023-2024 District Goals Update
7.B. 2024-2025 District Goals Draft
8. Adjournment