July 19, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order, Establish Quorum, Pledge and Prayer
Mr. Benham
2. Public Notice
Mr. Dragon/Mrs. Anderson
2.A. ESSA Summary
Three Rivers ISD annually receives an allocation of federal funds through the Every Student Succeeds Act Consolidated Application for Federal Funds. For 2021-2022 the district's initial planning amount is $132,967 for the Title I, A program. The purpose of Title I, A program is to assist struggling students to stay on track for graduation. The District also receives, through the same application, funding for Title II, A, ($22,450) and Title IV, A, ($10,069) and the district chooses to REAP these funds so they also serve the same purpose as Title I, A program funding. The following activities are needs identified by the campuses and district: * Stipends paid to secondary teachers * Salaries for para-professionals who assist with instruction on the elementary campus * Assistance with the Administration of the Title I, A Program * Services/supplies for Homeless students * Parent and Family Engagement activities * Salaries for the Extended Day Program on the elementary campus |
Three Rivers ISD will receive $1,026,526 through the ESSER III American Recovery Plan stimulus funds. Twenty percent of these funds must be used to address the potential learning loss of students caused by disruptions in the school year due to the pandemic. Three Rivers ISD along with all stakeholders determined that the following were needs created by COVID-19:
* Maintaining current staffing levels even though the district experienced a loss of student enrollment. This allows the district to maintain highly experienced and effective instructional staff so that small group instruction and opportunities for individualized remediation are possible in 2021-2022. * Adding an expanded Summer School opportunity for the secondary campus in the summer of 2022 * Provide professional development to all instructional staff on the social/emotional needs of students so that staff recognizes signs of mental stress in our students. |
3. Public Comments
Mr. Benham
4. Reports
Mr. Dragon/Mrs. Anderson
4.A. Superintendent's Report
4.B. Financial Reports
5. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
Mr. Dragon
5.A. June 21, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes
5.B. Set August 2021 Meeting Date
6. Consider, Discuss and Take Possible Action on the Interlocal Agreement For Lease of School Buses with All Aboard Texas Student Transportation Services
Mr. Dragon
7. Consider, Discuss and Take Possible Action on the Student Dress Code for 2021-2022
Mr. Dragon
8. Consider, Discuss and Take Possible Action on the 2021-2022 Student Code of Conduct and Student Handbook.
Mr. Dragon
9. Consider, Discuss and Take Possible Action on the Revised Health Plan to Open School Safely
Mr. Dragon
10. Closed Session- As Authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551:
A) 551.074- Considering the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee or to Hear a Complaint Against a Public Officer or Employee. B) 551.071-Attorney Consultation-Private Consultation with the Board's Attorney
Mr. Benham
10.A. Pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.074, Consider and Discuss Employment and Resignations of Personnel
10.B. Pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.071, Consultation with the Board's Attorney
11. Open Session- Open Session Action, If Any, on Closed Session Deliberations
Mr. Benham
11.A. Consider and Take Possible Action on Staff Contracts and Resignations of Personnel
12. Adjourn
Mr. Benham