February 7, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Budget Committee
Agenda |
V. 2021-2022 BUDGET UPDATE
The purpose of this agenda item is to review the projected end of the year balance. The 21-22 Fund 10 budget approved by the School Board in October was balanced and included a $100,000 contingency. As of the end of January, no expenditures have come from the contingency fund and no other significant changes to the budget have taken place. Administration will begin detailed projections for the end of the year balance during Spring 2022.
VI.A. Timeline
The purpose of this agenda item is to discuss the draft of the 2022-2023 budget process. Attached please find the budget timeline.
VI.B. Review Budget Planning Process
The purpose of this agenda item is to review a draft of the budget planning process for 2022-23. Attached please find the preliminary Budget Planning Process document for 2022-23. This document is based on the enrollment planning model recommended by the Budget Committee. Administration will review this document with the Committee and discuss the next steps in the 2022-23 budget planning process. We look forward to hearing your feedback.
VI.C. Three Year Staffing Requests
The purpose of this agenda item is to review the three year staffing requests that have been submitted by members of the administrative team. Attached please find the staffing requests organized by fiscal year. We also have the requests organized by building/department but we are starting with the organization by school year. The administrative team started the prioritization process at our cabinet meeting on February 1. The central office administrative team will continue to review these requests with the members of our administrative team. No action is requested at this time. The next meeting of the budget committee will begin the process of sharing priorities and a plan to include some of these requests in the first draft of the 2022-2023 budget. The entire scope of the 2022-2023 requests will not be able to be funded given the state budget constraints. However, the administrative team will present a reallocation plan for consideration by this committee regarding the highest priorities from these staffing requests.
VI.D. Budget Planning Between School Board Committees
The Human Resources Committee met on Monday, January 31. There were two proposals that impacted the budget planning process. These proposals were for an increase in the Aquatic Center wages, and the Summer School wages.
Aquatic Center: Please see the attached wage increase proposal for the Aquatic Center. The Human Resources Committee is recommending approval of this proposal. The committee did discuss increasing user fees, facility fees, and the use of either the Fund 80 fund balance or the tax levy to fund the wage increase proposal. Attached please find a proposal from Kristy Nacker that would increase the user fees. The proposal from Kristy Nacker would generate $11,525 in increased fees. Kristy will also work with Aaron May to propose increases in the pool facility use fees. These fees are presented to the school board each year in May. The total cost of the wage increase proposal is ~$35,000. The balance of the wage increase proposal would need to be funded by either the Fund 80 fund balance or an increase in the Fund 80 tax levy for the 2022-2023 school year. The fund balance in Fund 80 was $473,122 as of 6/30/2021. This fund balance is higher than normal due to the decreased community service activities during the COVID pandemic. Administration is seeking feedback from the Budget Committee. Summer School: Please see the attached wage increase proposal for the Summer School program. The Human Resources Committee is recommending approval of this proposal. The cost of the proposal is $93,221 or ~$107,000 with payroll benefits. The request is to approve an increase in the Summer School wages at the February regular school board meeting as the hiring process for Summer School begins during the month of February. Options for an increase could range from approving the full increase for the summer of 2022 or phasing it in over the next 2-3 summers. We have also attached the 2021-22 revenue limit formula and state equalization aid formula so that we can review the positive fiscal impacts related to a successful summer school program. Administration will be seeking feedback from the committee on this topic.
VI.E. High School Special Education Staffing Request
The purpose of this agenda item is to review a request to add a Special Education teacher to the High School for the 2022-2023 school year. Attached please find the request from Tiffany Loken.
Typically, Special Education and English Language Learner staffing requests can be connected to students who are moving into our district with existing educational plans for these services. Districts are able to request transfer of service funds for these students which pay for a large majority of the increase in the staffing requests. The portion of the staffing request connected to state categorical aid is subtracted from the transfer of service funds. State categorical aid is provided the year after an expenditure is made. This request is a result of student enrollment increases in the Special Education program and administration will be requesting transfer of service funds for staffing increases in both the Special Education and English Language Learner departments. Administration is seeking approval of this request for the February school board meeting.
VI.F. 2022-23 Budget Planning/November 2022 Referendum Planning
The November 2022 referendum process will include both a capital referendum question and an operational referendum question. Administration has drafted a question in the community survey regarding the operational referendum question. This survey question asks the community to provide feedback on the type of expenses that would have community support in an operational referendum question. The first draft of the community survey will be provided to the school board at the February meeting. The connection between our budget planning process and the November 2022 operational referendum question will be critical in the development of the budget drafts later this spring.
There are no proposals for review this month.
VIII.A. Cyber Security Assessment
The purpose of this agenda item is to provide an update on the Cyber Security Assessment process. Allie has been communicating with the industry experts recommended by Jack Heinemann. Allie is recommending working with CISA which is a governmental organization that provides no cost assessments to governmental organizations. We would start with the initial review, which would then be followed up with a more in-depth assessment. Attached please find the information on the CISA services. We look forward to your feedback on this approach.