May 21, 2020 at 4:00 PM - Curriculum Committee Meeting
Agenda |
I. Approve agenda
II. Public input on agenda items.
III. Human Growth and Development Scope and Sequence Update Recommendations
Tim Schell
The Human Growth and Development Advisory Committee met on March 3 and agreed on recommendations. These are attached with changes in red. I have also attached our current 2008 benchmarks or learning targets. You may wish to revise the recommended changes or recommend for adoption as is. You could do this at this May 21 meeting or hold this over for additional consideration.
I envision the Advisory Committee continuing its work to receive teacher updates on implementation, potentially suggest additional adjustments, and review the philosophy statement for potential revisions.
IV. Instructional Planning for 2020-2021
Tim Schell
Tim will provide a brief update on how we are approaching instructional planning for the fall. There is extensive collaboration with other districts as we are all hoping for more clear guidance from county, state and federal authorities that will gradually emerge. What are your questions?
V. Chair and Coordinators Vacancy Update
Tim Schell
Tim will provide a brief update on our progress in filling department chair and coordinator positions. We are still conducting some interviews but will be completed by the time personnel actions are scheduled in the summer.
VI. Additional Textbook Adoption and Purchase for 2020-2021
Tim Schell
The adoption for AP Biology did not appear in your last meeting. It is due for replacement under College Board's ten year rule for resources.
VII. Items for Upcoming Meetings
Tim Schell
VIII. Adjourn