July 8, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
III.A. Review Minutes of June10, 2019 Meetings
III.B. Review Individual Teacher Contract Recommendations, Resignations and Retirements
III.C. Review Individual Co-Curricular Contract Recommendations
III.D. Review Individual Support Staff/Custodial Staff Recommendations, Resignations and Retirements
III.E. Review and Take Action on Student Expulsion
Joan Ensign will lead a discussion with the Board about the agenda items and format for the Board Retreat.
VI.A. Approve minutes of June 10, 2019 regular Board meeting.
A motion will be necessary to approve the agenda as presented (or) with changes as recommended.
Steve Summers will be providing a high level overview of the 2019-20 budget process. Members of the public are then invited to ask any questions or share any comments on the budget process during the public comments agenda item.
Individuals may use this time to comment on any items listed as part of the meeting agenda. A copy of Board Policy 187 —Public Participation at Board Meetings is enclosed for your reference. Past practice has allowed 30 minutes for this section of the agenda.
X.A. Board Reports/Action Items
X.A.1. Board Reports on Educational Related Events, Meetings, or Trainings Attended by Individual Board Members
This section is reserved for any comments from members of the board on meetings they attended or other informational items.
X.A.2. Committee Schedule for 2019-2020
Attached please find a DRAFT schedule for committee meetings for this year. At the Board's Self-Review this spring it was recommended that we devise a year-long plan for when committees will meet. This draft is open to discussion and can be modified now or in the future, as needs arise. This draft was developed off of when we held various committee meeting over the past year.
X.B. Strategic Planning
The purpose of this agenda item to provide an update to the School Board on the last two Facility Committee meetings, and the connection to the long-term facility growth plan strategic planning effort. The discussion items for this update include a presentation by Michele Wiburg of the financial advisory firm PMA, draft timelines for a potential November 2020 referendum that were provided by Findorff/EUA, and the partner selection process for a potential November 2020 referendum. The partner selection process directly impacts the draft timelines.
X.B.1. PMA Powerpoint on Referendum Planning
X.B.2. Draft Referendum Timeline - Review
X.C. School District Calendars
Attached please find the school calendars for 2019-2020 and for 2020-2021.
I am bringing back the 2019-2020 calendar to discuss a revised snow day plan. I recommend that we handle future snow days for the future in the same manner in which we addressed them this year. I recommend that since we only need to account for hours of instruction, that our staff make up time from snow days only when necessary for students to make up time. In each of the next two years, that means that the first four snow days are forgiven, and any subsequent days are made up. These days are articulated ahead of time in the calendar. To accomplish this proposal, I have also added a "snow day make up day" each spring in the event we have another year like this year, and then additional snow days would be made up at the end of the year. I do not want to substitute professional development days in the future, as those days are too valuable to our work to waive on a continual basis. Additionally, for 2020-2021, I conducted a staff and parent survey regarding the placement of Spring Break. Each year I get feedback from staff and parents about when we hold Spring Break. My philosophy is that we should hold Spring Break on a consistent week each year so parents can plan ahead. For the last number of years, I have placed Spring Break during the 3rd week in March. The question I posed to staff and parents is, "Do you prefer the 3rd or 4th week in March for the placement of Spring Break?" The results include: Staff -- 345 responses Third Week -- 19.42% Fourth Week -- 49.57% No Preference -- 31.01% Parents -- 1051 responses Third Week -- 35.11% Fourth Week -- 42.82% No Preference -- 22.07% |
X.C.1. 2019-2020 Revision
X.C.2. 2020-2021
X.D. Administrative Reports/Action Items
X.D.1. Consideration of Purchase of Food Service Equipment.
The purpose of this agenda item is to request School Board approval of kitchen equipment replacement at the Middle School. School Board approval is required because the purchase price exceeds $25,000, and there are no bid exceptions available for this purchase (Example:purchase from a state of WI contract). Attached please find a cover memo from Taher Food Service Director, Connie Vacho, along with the bids received. The recommendation is to accept the bid from Kavanaugh with a price of $34,289.41 for the equipment, and $36,913.41 with all installation costs. All costs will come from the food service fund, Fund 50.
X.D.2. Announcements/Correspondence
X.D.2.a. WASBO 2019 Custodial/Maintenance Employee of the Year
X.D.2.b. 2018 - 2019 Recognized Schools
XI.A. Budget Committee
XI.A.1. Review 07/01/19 Meeting Minutes
Attached please find the minutes from the July 1st, 2019 meeting of the Budget Committee. Please contact Steve Summers at stevesummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2000 ext 8012 if you have any questions. Thanks.
XI.A.2. Consideration of Third Draft of Budget
The purpose of this agenda item is to request School Board approval of the third draft of the budget for the 19-20 school year. I have attached the third draft of the budget for your review.
The changes between the second and third draft of the budget include: 1. An update to building/department fee revenues and the corresponding change to expense budgets 2. An update to Fund 99 based on the activity that took place during the 18-19 school year 3. Safety grant allocations 4. State common school fund and personal computing grant revenues and expenses 5. A reduction in the Summer School expense budget and a corresponding increase to the Business Office expense budget In addition, I have attached a document that provides information on the Joint Finance Committee motion on public education. This document identifies the additional revenues available to the District, budget requests that could be funded from these additional revenues, and the remaining unknowns in the 19-20 budget planning process. The Budget Committee voted 3-0 to recommend approval of the third draft of the budget. In addition, the Budget Committee is recommending a 4th draft of the budget for the August Board meeting. Please contact Steve Summers at stevesummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2000 ext 8012 if you have any questions. Thanks.
XI.A.3. Consideration of Rhyme Papercut Proposal
The Budget Committee is recommending delaying consideration of this proposal for a later date. The committee is recommending a pilot program of the Papercut print management system in one of the school buildings, and seeking staff input before proceeding on a district wide basis. The attachments have not been added to Boardbook, given the Budget Committee recommendation. If interested, the attachments are available in the Budget Committee meeting agenda. Please contact Steve Summers at stevesummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2000 ext 8012 if you have any questions. Thanks.
XI.B. Policy Committee
XI.B.1. Review 06/18/19 Meeting Minutes
XI.B.2. Recommendation of WASB Policy Services
Attached find a proposal from WASB for policy services to get us started on our policy review process. The committee voted and is recommending Option 2 in the attached document. This option has a cost of $4,000 and includes a Quick Review of all policies to ensure that the required policies by law are in place and compliant, and also uses the 100 and 200 series policies as a starting point / pilot to work through with WASB this year. Your consideration is requested on Monday evening.
XI.B.3. Consideration of 2nd reading of 672 Purchasing
Attached please find Policy 672 Purchasing which is being presented for the second reading. The change in the policy reflects specificity on the use of gift cards. Action is requested on this policy item.
XI.B.4. Consideration of First Reading of policies from the 06/18/19 Meeting.
XI.B.4.a. Policy 342.12 & 342.12 Rule
The attached policies are recommended by Kurt Eley to outline Independent Educational Evaluations, and the process for requesting an independent educational evaluation. These are new policies and are in front of the Board for a first reading. These policies have bee reviewed by the policy committee and are recommended to the full board for consideration.
XI.B.5. Consideration of Elimination of Polices 343-4 Rule and 423.1 Policy
With new policy 343.4 being adopted last year, and the State's elimination of Course and Youth Options, these policies are no longer necessary.
XI.C. Facility Committee Meeting
XI.C.1. Review Facility Committee Minutes of 07/01/19 Meeting
XI.C.2. Soccer Stadium Field Assessment Report
The purpose of this agenda item is to review the Soccer Stadium Field assessment reports. The Facility Committee reviewed this information in detail at the July 1st Facility Committee meeting.
As a reminder, the School Board approved an evaluation of the Soccer Stadium Field to be conducted by a partnership between Rettler Corp. and Rich Riggs. The Rich Riggs report identifies turf conditions on all of our fields/playgrounds and we are only providing the soccer stadium field piece at this time. Attached (in the extras section of Boardbook) please find the Soccer Stadium Field Assessment Reports as prepared by Rettler Corp. and Rich Riggs. The assessments confirm that the soccer stadium field was not originally constructed with essential features such as under-drainage and irrigation, which causes challenges with rain and playability today. In addition, the field makeup (clay) does not meet today's standards for competitive athletic fields. Within their reports you will find estimated costs for upgrades / replacement of the grass field, along with estimated costs to move to a synthetic surface. You will notice a difference in projected cost between the Rettler report and Rich Rigg's assessment. This difference in cost is based on the focus of each of the evaluations with Rettler's report going deeper into requirements for rebuilding the field, underdrain, and construction costs. The Committee will vet these differences as the discussion continues. The Facility Committee will continue to discuss this project in the coming months, and the Budget Committee will be involved with reviewing the financial options associated with this project. Please contact Steve Summers at stevesummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2000 ext 8012 if you have any questions. Thanks. |
XI.C.3. Soccer Stadium Master Planning and Fundraising Options
As point of review, at a previous Facility Committee Meeting on May 29th, Rettler Corporation reviewed with the committee concepts for the master planning of the soccer stadium with fundraising options that other schools have used to fund upgrades to facilities. Those examples are attached for your review along with how some of those concepts might look on our facilities.
When the committee met last week, for comparison purposes, the committee reviewed what the Board approved for the the Warrior Stadium Fundraisers to utilize in their fundraising efforts. At that time, the Board approved the Warrior Stadium group to provide recognition / advertising on the scoreboard, a donor recognition board, banners from the lights, and advertising boards along the fence, as part of their campaign. That group only utilized the scoreboard and the donor wall for their project. The Committee discussed the various fundraising options that might fit in with the soccer stadium project and a desire to remain consistent with past practice. Generally, the Committee is comfortable with the fundraising group using donor recognition / advertising on the scoreboard, a donor wall, certain areas of fencing, pennants from the lights, and advertising on the kick-plates (low rise wall to stop the ball when it goes out of bounds). The Committee would like the full Board to discuss and provide direction to the fundraising group on this issue, ideally at the July 8th Board Meeting. On a related issue, Steve Summers and Randy Guttenberg met with the treasurer of the Waunakee Area Education Foundation (WAEF) on July 2nd. We discussed the tax issues associated with making a donation vs. paying for advertising and the reporting process followed by WAEF. Administration will report back to the Facility Committee and the full Board on this issue when all information is gathered.
XI.C.4. Referendum Partner Selection Process
Per the draft referendum timelines presented in the Strategic Planning Report, the most pressing issue for the district is to establish a process to select core partners for a 2020 referendum.
The Committee discussed this issue and is recommending that the administration prepare request for proposal (RFP) documents for both architectural services and for a construction management firm. The committee is asking the full Board to delegate authority to the Facility Committee to review and approve these documents so we can keep this process moving without delay. The Committee is also recommending that we conduct an “invite only” process for these services and that we invite the top firms from our process in 2014. Upon return of the RFPs, the Facility Committee will interview the firms and make a recommendation to the full Board. We are looking to have the architect recommendation to the full Board at the September Board Meeting, and the Construction Management Firm recommendation to the full Board at the October regular meeting. This process was approved by the Facility Committee to be brought to the full Board on July 8th as a recommendation and seeking full Board approval. |
XI.D. HR Committee
XI.D.1. Second Reading of Changes to Employment Guidelines for all Employee Groups
The purpose of the second reading of the employee handbooks is a final review and approval of the guidelines for the coming school year. Any language changes have been reviewed by the HR Committee. The Teacher Employment Guidelines have also been shared with the Teacher HR Workgroup.
XII.A. Approval of Checks
Attached in the "extras" section of Boardbook, please find a list of the accounts payable payments issued during the month of June 2019. Please contact Steve Summers at stevesummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2000 ext 8012 if you have any questions. Thanks.
XII.B. Finance
XII.B.1. Monthly Finance Reports
Attached you will find the 2018-19 Budget Status report as of June 30th, 2019, and the Cash Reconciliation report for May 2019. Please note that the 2018-19 audit process entries will impact the numbers presented on the June 30th report, and the 2018-19 final numbers will not be available until the completion of the audit during the week of August 12th.
Please contact Steve Summers at stevesummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2000 ext 8012 if you have any questions. Thanks.
XII.B.2. Review the Wellness Clinic Financial Report
Attached please find the Dean/SSM wellness clinic report for May. In addition, a district financial report for the wellness clinic has also been included for your review. This report tracks expenditures over time beginning with the first month of the clinic. Please contact Steve Summers at stevesummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2000 ext 8012 if you have any questions. Thanks.
XII.C. Student/Teacher/Co-Curricular/Special Education Handbook Approval for 2019-2020
Attached in the Extras Tab are the student/teacher/ and co-curricular handbooks for the 2019-2020. These are different than the employee guidelines that you acted upon earlier in the agenda. The special education handbook is not ready for the July Board Meeting and will be brought to you in August.
XII.D. Annual Academic Standards Notice
We are required by law on an annual basis to approve at the school board level the standards we utilize for our academic programs.
School boards are required by section 120.12(13) of the state statutes to notify the parents/guardians enrolled in the school district of the student academic standards that will be in effect for the school year. Boards must provide this notification annually, prior to the beginning of the school term. This notice may be provided electronically, including by posting the notice or a link to the specific academic standards on the school district’s website. Also, the school board must annually include an item on the agenda of the first school board meeting of the school year (the first board meeting after July 1) that clearly identifies the student academic standards adopted by the board under section 118.30(1g)(a)1 of the state statutes that will be in effect for the school year.
XII.E. Gifts and Field Trips
XII.E.1. Gifts
XII.E.2. Field Trips
XII.F. Approve Individual Teacher, Co-curricular, Support Staff & Custodial Recommendations, Resignations, Leaves & Retirements
XIII.A. WASB Resolutions adopted by Delegate Assemblies
The WASB Resolutions can be found in the Extras Tab. You may find the 2019 WASB Resolutions online at the following link: https://www.wasb.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/2019_resolutions_bookweb.pdf You will need to copy and paste this link into your browser.
XIV.A. Agenda Items for Next Meeting
XIV.B. Special Meeting
XIV.C. Budget Committee
XIV.D. Co-Curricular Committee
XIV.E. Curriculum Committee
XIV.F. Facility Committee
XIV.G. Human Resources Committee
XIV.H. Policy Committee
XIV.I. Goals Committee
XV. RETURN TO CLOSED SESSION - (if necessary) to complete agenda as listed under agenda item III