January 8, 2018 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
III.A. Review Minutes of December 11, 2017 Meeting
III.B. Review Individual Teacher Contract Recommendations, Resignations and Retirements
III.C. Review Individual Co-Curricular Contract Recommendations
III.D. Review Individual Support Staff/Custodial Staff Recommendations, Resignations and Retirements
V.A. Discuss planning, future development topics, and community engagement.
As soon as we adjourn from Closed Session, the Board will enter into the Board Development part of the meeting. This process was started in November (notes from that meeting are attached). The Board Development time will be included on agendas on a quarterly basis. This part of Monday's meeting will be facilitate by Peggy Hill-Breunig.
The School Perceptions Document is under the extras tab due to the document length. Thank you for reviewing this. The topic for discussion on Monday evening is to review the notes from the last Board Development meeting, discuss topics for future Board Development agendas, and discuss next steps for community engagement. Attached also please find the presentation of results from the School Perceptions Survey we conducted in 2014. Within this report are the results of how people in our community want to receive information from the school. This data may be helpful as we discuss some of our next steps for community engagement.
Included in your packet you will find the minutes from the December 11, 2017 regular meeting for your review and approval.
A motion will be necessary to approve the agenda as presented (or) with changes as recommended.
Individuals may use this time to comment on any items listed as part of the meeting agenda. A copy of Board Policy 187 —Public Participation at Board Meetings is enclosed for your reference. Past practice has allowed 30 minutes for this section of the agenda.
IX.A. Student Report
Anaiah Kenas and Alyssa Kuhn are the high school student representatives who will provide an update of events from the high school.
IX.B. Teacher Update
IX.C. Board Reports/Action Items
IX.C.1. Board Reports on Educational Related Events, Meetings, or Trainings Attended by Individual Board Members
This section of the agenda is reserved for any comments from members of the board on meetings they attended over the last month or other informational items.
IX.C.2. 2018 WASB Resolutions
Attached please find the WASB Resolutions for 2018 that will be discussed at the Delegate Assembly in a few weeks at the State Education Convention in Milwaukee. Dave Boetcher is our delegate this year. Please review the resolutions and you can provide feedback to Dave on Monday night, or at a time prior to the convention.
IX.C.3. Spring Election Update
Incumbent, Mark Hetzel, will be running for the Waunakee School Board Seat for the Town of Vienna .
We did not receive any Declaration of Candidacy for the Waunakee School Board Seat for the Town of Westport/City of Middleton/City of Madison. As a result of not having anyone declare for this seat, we will need to count all votes for write-in candidates. After the election, once all write ins are counted, the candidate with the most votes is offered the position. If this candidate accepts the position they will complete the 3-year term. If they decline the position, then there is a vacancy on the Board and the BOE will assign someone to this seat for one year. At that time this seat will be up for election in April 2019. As an information item, the obligation to register is only required if the write in candidate raises or spends funds on the election.
IX.C.4. Board Self-Evaluation - WASB Survey
On Monday night we will share with you the log-in and password for the WASB / School Perceptions Survey on the Key Works of School Boards. This will be the the third year that we will be participating in this self-evaluation instrument. Please complete the survey by the next Board Meeting -- February 12th.
IX.C.5. Update on District Priorities 2017-2018
Attached please find the January update on progress towards the District Priorities. I will be providing additional comments on each priority as part of my presentation to the Board. Also, attached please find the notes from the November Board Development Meeting that reflect discussion related to the Board priority on community engagement.
IX.C.6. Update and discussion on TID #8 and #9
Attached is the revised Tax Increment Position Statement that has been discussed at each of the last two Board Meetings. This draft reflects the changes requested last month.
Gary Epping is the Board's representative to the Joint Review Board and they will be reviewing TID #8 and TID #9. Gary has asked for some time at Monday's meeting to share what he has learned at the initial JRB meeting and to gather feedback from fellow board members on these TIDs. The documents that I have access to that are associated with these TIDs are attached in the Extra Section of Board Book. These are the same documents that I e-mailed to you prior to the holidays.
IX.D. Strategic Planning
IX.D.1. Literacy for All
Amy Johnson, Assistant Director of Instruction, will be presenting to you on Monday evening. Her report on Literacy for All is attached for your review.
IX.D.2. Multi-Level System of Support
Janet Thomas, Assistant Director of Student Services, will be presenting to you a report on Multi-Level Systems of Support at Monday's meeting. Her presentation is attached for your review.
IX.D.3. Health Insurance Benefits Program/Wellness Clinic Update
Attached please find a presentation on the health insurance benefits program/wellness clinic update. The focus of this presentation is the upcoming request for proposal for our health insurance benefit program, and to provide updated data on the wellness clinic. The results of the December staff survey on health insurance and the wellness clinic will be reviewed during this presentation. The District Insurance Committee was able to review and provide feedback on this presentation on January 3rd. Please contact Steve Summers at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2000 if you have any questions. Thanks.
IX.E. Administrative Reports/Action Items
IX.E.1. 2018-2019 School Calendar and 2019-2020 School Calendar
The teacher calendar committee has met twice this fall to provide input into the development of the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 calendars. Both calendars are attached for your review. I will walk the Board through the highlights of each calendar at the meeting on Monday night.
IX.E.2. Consideration of 2016-2017 Audit
The purpose of this agenda item is to request approval of the 2016-17 audit. The audit was due to the WI Department of Public Instruction on Friday, December 1st. The financial statements and School Board communication letter were provided to the School Board members in the December 11th School Board packet. The School Board tabled approval of the audit until the January meeting. Attached in the extras section, please find a copy of the financial statements, the School Board communication letter, and the business office response to the School Board communications letter.
Administration is pleased to report that no "significant findings" were identified during the 2016-17 audit process. A significant finding is an accounting issue that must be reported to the state of Wisconsin within the financial statements. As you may remember, we did have a "significant finding" during the 2015-16 audit process regarding a special education para educator licensing issue. The licensing issue identified during the 2015-16 audit has been considered resolved by our current audit firm. After conducting a thorough review of all of our internal control practices, our audit firm did identify suggested improvements to internal controls/procedures/policies. The business office has prepared a response to the audit communication letter that the Budget Committee will be reviewing during future meetings. The Budget Committee is recommending approval of the audit report, with additional review by the Budget Committee on the topics identified in the School Board communication letter. This motion passed 3-0. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 608-849-2000. Thanks for your time. |
IX.E.3. Announcements/Correspondence
X.A. Budget Committee
X.A.1. Review Minutes of January 3, 2018 Meeting
Attached please find the minutes from the January 3rd, 2018 Budget
Committee meeting for your review. Please contact Steve Summers at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2000 if you have any questions. Thanks.
X.A.2. Funding for PLC Conference, Summer 2018
The purpose of this agenda item is to discuss the July 2018 PLC conference that is located in Madison. Attached please find the purchasing agreement with the vendor of the PLC Conference, Solution Tree. Tim Schell has been organizing our district's participation in the July 2018 PLC conference for quite some time. We believed that our costs associated with this conference would be connected to the 18-19 fiscal year, as the conference is after July 1st. However, the provider of the conference has requested payment at this time to hold our number of conference registrations. This payment will cause some fiscal year timing issues that we reviewed with the Budget Committee. The Budget Committee is recommending approval of the payment for the PLC Conference to the vendor Solution Tree, with administration bringing back a plan to fund the PLC conference with a combination of building and district funds. This motion passed 3-0.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 608-849-2000. Thanks for your time.
X.B. Curriculum Committee
X.B.1. Review Minutes from January 3, 2018 meeting
X.C. Goals Committee
X.C.1. Review Minutes of 12-20-17 Meeting
X.C.2. Linkage Meeting Update
The Linkage Meeting with the high school Justice League will be held on Wednesday, January 10th at 4:30 p.m. in the Large Group Area (old library at Heritage Elementary.) The attendees will be the administrative team, school board, and 12-15 members of the Justice League, along with their adviser, Larry Hale. Larry shared with me that they plan to break us into three groups and will organize the workshop around three topics. The students are in the process of planning for this event.
I see the outcome of this Linkage Meeting to be information that can shape policy and program decisions for the short and long-term future. The format will be participatory and interactive, as the goal is dialog with the students on pertinent topics. I will let you know the topics on Monday night after I touch base again with Larry. Since the students will be coming right from school and some of you will be coming right from work, I have asked Taher to provide a simple sub sandwich bar for us that will be available beginning prior to the meeting. |
XI.A. Approval of Checks
Attached in the "extras" section of Boardbook, please find a list of the accounts payable payments issued during the month of December 2017. Please contact Steve Summers at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2012 if you have any questions. Thanks.
XI.B. Finance
XI.B.1. Monthly Finance Reports
Attached you will find the 2017-18 Budget Status report as of December 31st,
2017, and the Cash Reconciliation report for November 2017. Please note that the district has received the first repayment of donated funds for the Warrior Stadium project. Please also note the wellness clinic expenses have been separated out as its own line item on the monthly financial report. The budgeted amount is $0, because the School Board has previously approved funding the wellness clinic as a trial out of the district fund balance account. Please contact Steve Summers at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2000 if you have any questions. Thanks.
XI.C. 2018-2019 Open Enrollment Capacity Recommendations
The purpose of this agenda item is to request School Board approval of 2018-
19 open enrollment capacity. Attached are the calculations for both regular and special education, by grade level. Administration is required to provide the calculated open enrollment openings as attached, and the School Board may opt to modify the calculations. The recommendations for the 2018-19 open enrollment capacity is based off the School Board open enrollment policy. The open enrollment law was significantly changed during February of 2012. One of the changes in the law was a requirement that the School Board identify in January of each year the number of openings in each grade for open enrollment students. In addition, the open enrollment law was changed during the 2015-17 state budget process. We are now required to separately calculate the number of special education openings, and districts are not allowed to deny open enrollment to special education students based on undue financial burdens. For 18-19, I am estimating enrollment (and budget planning) based on a 41 increase in student enrollment. The only regular education openings recommended are in four-year old kindergarten, 3rd grade, 5th grade, and 6th grade.The only special education openings recommended are in four-year old kindergarten, 3rd grade, and 6th grade. The School Board policy states the following “Open enrollment acceptance guarantees shall be given to a nonresident student already attending school in the district or his/her sibling even if space is not available”. Because of this statement, please be aware that all nonresident students already attending Waunakee will be guaranteed acceptance and students with siblings will be guaranteed acceptance. A guaranteed acceptance does not guarantee placement in a specific elementary school as administration retains the right to assign students to an elementary school with capacity. For the 17-18 school year, the School Board approved the following number of open enrollment openings compared to actual number of enrollees: Four-year old kindergarten 30 openings/29 enrollees 4th grade 20 openings/0 enrollees 5th grade 23 openings/3 enrollees Please let me know if you have any questions or comments on this agenda item. You can reach me at ssummers@waunakee.k12.wi.us or 849-2000. Thanks.
XI.D. Gifts and Field Trips
XI.D.1. Gifts
XI.D.2. Field Trips
XI.E. Approve Individual Teacher, Co-curricular, Support Staff & Custodial Recommendations, Resignations, Leaves & Retirements
XII.A. Legislative Update
XII.B. Conventions/Workshops
XIII.A. Agenda Items for Next Meeting
XIII.B. Special Meeting
XIII.C. Budget Committee
XIII.D. Co-Curricular Committee
XIII.E. Curriculum Committee
XIII.F. Facility Committee
XIII.G. Human Resources Committee
XIII.H. Policy Committee
XIII.I. Goals Committee
XIV. RETURN TO CLOSED SESSION - (if necessary) to complete agenda as listed under agenda item III