May 9, 2016 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
III.A. Review Minutes of April 11, 2016 meeting.
III.B. Review Individual Teacher/Administrative Support Contract Recommendations, Resignations and Retirements/Non-renewal
III.C. Review Individual Co-Curricular / Recommendations
III.D. Review Individual Support Staff/Custodial Staff Recommendations
III.E. Review Summer School Contract Recommendations
III.F. Review and Take Action on Student Discipline Expulsion Recommendations
Included in your packet you will find the minutes from the April 11, 2016 regular meeting for your review and approval.
A motion will be necessary to approve the agenda as presented (or) with changes as recommended.
This is the general comment section of the agenda where members of the public may comment on any item contained within the evening's agenda.
VIII.A. Student Reports
Jordan Ripp and Matt Luhring are the student reps for this year.
VIII.B. Board Reports/Action Items
VIII.B.1. Individual Board Reports on Educational Related Events, Meetings, or Trainings Attended by Individual Board Members
VIII.B.2. Annual CESA 2 Delegate Convention
VIII.C. Administrative Reports/Action Items
VIII.C.1. Curriculum Presentation: Social Studies
Members of the social studies department will be present at Monday's meeting to update the Board on the work that is taking place within their department.
VIII.C.2. Department Report: Technology & Facilities
Attached please find written reports from Joe Bellomo and Herb Haubrich. They will be present at Monday's meeting and will be available to answer any questions.
VIII.C.3. Cooper Scholarship Status Update
The music committee that oversees the Cooper Scholarship has informed me that there are not sufficient funds within the account to make an award this year. They will be revisiting the scholarship fund and hope to have a recommendation to the board for a scholarship at this time next year.
VIII.C.4. Consideration of Dane County New Teacher Project Shared Services Contract
Attached please find the agreement with the Dane County New Teacher project. We have been an integral partner of the new teacher project for many years, and it continues to serve a valuable service by providing training and support for our new teachers. The center also offers programs that are geared at building principals, often facilitated by Tim Mommaerts. I fully support our continued involvement in this project.
VIII.C.5. Finance
VIII.C.5.a. Monthly Finance Reports
Attached you will find the 2015-16 Budget Status report as of April 30th,
2016, the Cash Reconciliation report for March 2016, and the 2014 referendum budget report as of April 30th, 2016. Please contact Steve Summers at or 849-2012 if you have any questions. Thanks
VIII.C.5.b. Approve 2016-2017 Open Enrollment Applications
The purpose of this agenda item is to request School Board approval/denial
of the 2016-17 open enrollment applications. Attached you will find information on the 2016-17 open enrollment applications. You will see a cover memo and detailed spreadsheets of the applications into and out of the district. The applications into the district have been noted as approved or denied in the final column. The approval or denial column follows the School Board open enrollment capacity approval process from the January 2016 School Board meeting. You can refer back to the January 2016 Boardbook packet if you would like a reminder of the School Board approval at that time. The only adjustment made in January was to reduce the number of 4K openings to 30. The applications out of the district are all recommended for approval. Please contact Steve Summers at or 849-2012 if you have any questions. Thanks.
VIII.C.6. Announcements/Correspondence
IX.A. Budget Committee
IX.A.1. Review May 2, 2016 Meeting Minutes
Attached please find the minutes from the May 2nd, 2016 meeting of the
Budget Committee. Please contact Steve Summers at or 849-2012 if you have any questions. Thanks.
IX.A.2. Review First Draft of 2016-2017 Budget
The purpose of this agenda item is to review the first draft of the budget for the
16-17 school year. I have attached the first draft of the budget for your review along with a Budget Narrative that explains in detail some of the decisions that went into putting this first draft of the budget together. We recommend you read the Budget Narrative first as it will outline many of the primary items in the budget document. The Budget Committee recommended approval of the first draft of the budget on a 3-0 motion. The committee did recommend allocating any remaining 2014 referendum operational funds to the maintenance budget instead of the district contingency budget. This change has been made in the attached first draft of the budget. The second draft of the budget in June will include: --Grant allocations --Staffing update based on additional schedule changes or reallocation proposals Please let me know if you have any questions on the first draft of the budget. You can contact me via email at or via phone at 849- 2491. Thanks.
IX.A.3. Approval of 2016-2017 Student Fees
The purpose of this agenda item is to request School Board approval of the
proposed student fees for the 16-17 school year. I have attached the proposed fees for your review. The Budget Committee is recommending approval of the 16-17 fees, on a 3-0 motion. The Budget Committee did revise the proposed fees to include a .25 increase in the price of adult lunch costs. The high school has requested that the family and consumer education food class fees increase from $15 to $20 to reflect higher food costs. The food service fees have been updated to reflect the School Board approved budget. The administration is recommending approval of the attached 16-17 fee schedule. Please let me know if you have any questions on the proposed fee schedule.You can contact me via email at or via phone at 849-2491. Thanks.
IX.A.4. Transportation Planning 2016-2017
The purpose of this agenda item is to review the transportation planning for the 2016-17 school year. I have attached a school start times document and new 9-12 and 5-6 transportation zones for your review. The Budget Committee has reviewed these documents, and is recommending School Board review/approval at the May meeting.
Randy Guttenberg and I have met with Lamers staff multiple times to plan for the transportation changes that are a result of the new Intermediate School opening next year and a new road that was constructed connecting Kilkenny Farms/Southbridge to Woodland Drive. The 5-12 school start times, the 5-6 and 9-12 transportation zones all have proposed changes for next year. The attached document articulates options for school start times. We are tentatively recommending Alternative #2 where the middle school and high school each gain ten minutes per day of instruction time. We are not proposing a change in the length of the teacher contracted day. We will discuss this recommendation and the logistics of busing with you on Monday so you can fully understand the necessity for this change. In short, though, the location of the new middle school requires greater transportation time in the morning between when the students are dropped off in grades K-4 and when we can turn around and drop off our grade 5-12 students at their respective schools. Please let me know if you have any questions on the budget timeline. You can contact me via email at or via phone at 849-2491. Thanks.
IX.B. Curriculum Committee
IX.B.1. Review April 12, 2016 Meeting Minutes
IX.C. Facilities Committee
IX.C.1. Review May 2, 2016 Meeting Minutes
IX.C.2. Approval of 2016 Summer Projects
The purpose of this agenda item is to review the revised capital maintenance plan and recommended summer projects. I have attached the revised capital maintenance plan, a cover memo, and gym project memo explaining the revisions and recommended summer projects. The Facility Committee is recommending approval of the summer projects on a 3-0 motion.
The capital maintenance plan revisions reflect the feedback received from the Facility Committee during the review of the first draft of this document. We welcome any additional comments from School Board members. Joe Bellomo is recommending approval of two projects at this time, and the details of these projects are included in the high school gym memo. Please let me know if you have any questions on the capital maintenance plan or recommended summer projects. You can contact me via email at or via phone at 849-2491. Thanks.
IX.C.3. Approval for Security Camera/Door Entry Systems
The purpose of this agenda item is to review the security camera and door access control systems. I have attached the following documents:
1. WCSD budget summary which provides the most recent update from Findorff on the overall referendum budgets 2. Door Access Proposal memo from Herb Haubrich outlining the details of the door access systems across the district with upgrade costs from the Velocity system currently in use in the district and the internet based RS2 system that will be in place at the new Intermediate School. 3. WCSD proposal from Westphal/Globalcom outlining the costs of upgrading the security cameras and door access controls in the district 4. Budget framework which provides guidance on funding options for these projects. The administration is suggesting that we proceed as follows: DOOR ACCESS SYSTEM Given the significant cost, and significant other complications, the administration is recommending that the district update the Velocity system for the 2016-17 school year at a cost of $8,155, and continue to use this system in all schools except the new Intermediate School. We are also recommending that the TLC building (across the street from the high school) add door access controls at a cost of $9,183. This TLC door access system would be based off the new Intermediate RS2 system, not the Velocity system. All district facilities with students would then be covered by updated door access controls at the start of the 2016-17 school year. Two systems will require two databases, but these issues are minor compared to the cost issues surrounding one district wide system. If referendum funds remain for the summer of 2017, the administration may recommend converting Prairie and Heritage over to RS2, as the infrastructure will already be in place for this system at these two referendum schools. SECURITY CAMERA SYSTEM The district has a comprehensive security camera system at the high school, we will have a comprehensive system in place at the new Intermediate School, and wiring for comprehensive systems at Prairie and Heritage. The administration is recommending that all district facilities have comprehensive security camera systems as soon as feasible. We are recommending that the cameras and installation for Prairie and Heritage occur using a portion of the remaining unallocated referendum dollars. This cost for this project will be $156,988. We currently have unallocated referendum funds that equal $232,667.08 as a result of GMP savings. The remaining $75,679.08 in unallocated referendum funds will be allocated at a later date for other projects. We are further recommending that infrastructure, cameras, and installation for Arboretum and the Middle School and Bethel Circle occur using district dollars in the amount of $203,104. These district dollars of $203,104 would come from the 2014 Referendum Operational Funds not spent during 14-15 or 15-16 that we discussed with you at the January 18th special meeting. Please see the attached budget framework document. The Facility Committee is recommending approval of the security camera and door entry systems as presented on a 3-0 motion. Please let me know if you have any questions on the security camera/door entry system recommendations. You can contact me via email at or via phone at 849-2491. Thanks.
IX.D. Policy Committee - Second Reading
IX.D.1. 342.11 Recording of IEP and Section 504 Meetings (New)
IX.D.2. 411 Equal Educational Opportunities
The revised policy is a complete re-write of our existing policy on Equal Educational Opportunities. This policy was reworked to be more responsive to gender and identity related issues.
I have been asked a few questions about court rulings and other provisions that inform policy decisions regarding gender identity. Here is a link to a court case that at the time was the first court case upholding a transgender person's claim of Title IX discrimination. It is from the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals which covers Virginia, North Carolina, etc. While it does not cover Wisconsin, the Chicago Office of Civil Rights and the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals would take this ruling under advisement. Additionally, the Office of Civil Rights has provided guidance regarding this issue. It has been the OCR's interpretation that individuals should be permitted to use the bathroom and locker room for the gender for which they identify. It is viewed as a Title IX issue. It started as a discrimination complaint to the OCR with a potential court case in Illinois that resulted in an agreement between the Palatine School District and a transgender student which was also accepted by the OCR. The issue focused more on locker rooms than bathrooms. In the end the agreement allows the student to use the locker room for which the student identifies. It also resulted in the locker room being modified to provide private stalls for all students to be able to use. Here are a couple of links to the story:
IX.D.3. 453.4 Medication Administration to Students
The edit to this policy clarifies our nursing team's desired practice for students who have a need for the administration of prescribed medication while at school, specifically, prescribed narcotic medication.
IX.D.4. 470 Student Fees
This policy has been modified to clarify and strengthen language related to the waiver of student fees.
IX.D.5. 830-Rule Use of Facility Regulations
This policy has been modified per recommendations of the district Wellness Committee to provide for facility usage for staff wellness programs.
IX.D.6. 345.8 Early High School Graduation (New)
This policy is new and has been discussed with the Curriculum Committee. It will allow the high school principal to make decisions about early high school graduation requests.
IX.E. Insurance Committee
IX.E.1. Approve 2016-2017 Health and Dental Insurance Recommendations
The purpose of this agenda item is to request School Board approval of the
2016-17 health and dental insurance plans. I have attached the current wellness agreement with Dean and the rate renewal calculations. The insurance committee met on April 27th to discuss 2016-17 health and dental insurance plan benefits and premiums. The district received a 5.0% premium increase from Dean, or the maximum allowed under the three year contract. The premium increase is justified based on the plan's claim experience. The 2016-17 health insurance recommendation is to remain with the Dean health insurance program, with the same level of benefits. The 2016-17 dental insurance recommendation is to remain with the district’s self-insured dental program administered by Delta Dental, with the same level of benefits. Delta Dental rates are recommended to increase by 5% as well. The balance in the self-insured dental program has decreased from $25,291.66 on July 1st, 2015 to -$1,100.28 on April 30th this year. The approximate cost increase of the 5% increase in health and dental rates is $250,000. This cost increase has been added to the first draft of the budget. The administration is working together with our insurance consultant, Al Jaegar, and health insurance company, Dean Health Systems, to provide a comprehensive presentation on the current status of our wellness agreement with Dean, and what the future plans are. This presentation will be provided at the June School Board meeting. Please contact Steve Summers at or 849-2491 if you have any questions/comments on this agenda item. Thanks. |
X.A. Approval of Checks
Attached in the "extras" section of Boardbook, please find a list of the accounts payable payments issued during the month of April 2016. Please contact Steve Summers at or 849-2491 if you have any questions. Thanks.
X.B. Gifts and Field Trips
X.B.1. Gifts
X.B.1.a. Rotary Club Donation
X.B.1.b. Culvers Donation HES
X.B.1.c. Percussion Items Donation T.R. Fitz-gibbon
X.B.2. Field Trips
X.B.2.a. Future Problem Solvers International Competition Request
X.B.2.b. National Parks Trip Request
X.B.2.c. Spanish Trip Abroad, Summer 2017 Request
X.B.2.d. Justice League Trip to Chicago May 2016
X.C. Review Individual Teacher/Administrative Support Contract Recommendations, Resignations and Retirements/Non-renewal
X.D. Approve Summer School Recommendations
XI.A. Community Engagement
Over the last few weeks I have contacted you to gain your perspective on holding a Linkage Meeting with the community this spring. I appreciate the input that I received. Your perspectives were varied with regard to topic, timing, and purpose for the meeting. A clear direction was not evident, so I contacted Peggy Hill-Breunig and Julie Waner to meet with me to review and discuss the input and the best course for moving forward. After a good discussion, we decided that we will not hold a Linkage Meeting this spring, and I would put forth a proposed plan for our next steps.
I propose the following: 1. I will develop a written document to be sent to the attendees of last year's Linkage Meeting that articulates how their input from last year was used to inform our vision, visionary directions, and areas of focus as part of our strategic planning framework. I will also share that we have Community Engagement as one of our domains for work in our plan and will be devising a strategy to effectively engage with our public and them, if they choose to be involved. 2. I plan to develop a survey to send to parents and community to gather input into the best means to communicate, engage, and discuss items with the public, and solicit their input on topics that interest them for these discussions. I will also evaluate if we already have this information as we asked for it in 2014 when we did out referendum survey with School Perceptions. 3. I recommend that we designate part of each of the June and July regular board meetings to review the data and feedback from the survey, and also discuss a next step for a community engagement strategy/activity. 4. I recommend that administration plan the strategy/activity that the board wants to consider and we present it to the board at the August regular meeting along with a timeline etc. I request your feedback on Monday evening. |
XII.A. Agenda Items for Next Meeting
XII.B. Special Meeting
XII.C. Budget Committee
XII.D. Co-Curricular Committee
XII.E. Curriculum Committee
XII.F. Facility Committee
XII.G. Goals Committee
XII.H. Human Resources Committee
XII.I. Policy Committee
XIII. RETURN TO CLOSED SESSION - (if necessary) to complete agenda as listed under agenda item III