August 24, 2021 at 7:00 PM - 2021-2022 Annual Meeting and Budget Hearing
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Election of Annual Meeting Chairperson
III. Approval of Agenda
IV. Introduction of the Board of Education
V. Approval of 2020 Annual Meeting Minutes
VI. Recess the Annual Meeting to Convene the Budget Hearing
VII. Superintendent State of the District Report
VIII. Budget Hearing
IX. Reconvene Annual Meeting
X. Consideration of a Capital Expansion Fund 120.10 (10M)
XI. Consideration of the 2021 Tax Levy (120.10)
XII. Consideration of School Board Salaries (120.10(3))
XIII. Consideration of School Board Expenses (120.10(4))
XIV. Authorize the School Board to Establish the Date for the 2022 Annual Meeting
XV. Adjourn