February 15, 2011 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Opening
1.A. Meeting Called to Order
2. Closed Session
2.A. Attorney Consultation (551.071)
Real Property (551.072) |
2.A.1. Pine Forest, Unit 6
3. Action Resulting from Closed Session
4. Pledge, Recognitions, Presentations and Open Forum
4.A. Pledge of Allegiance
4.B. Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag
4.B.1. "Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible."
4.C. Opening Prayer
4.D. Student Speaker on Character Education Trait for February - Justice
4.E. Special Recognitions and Presentations
4.E.1. Recognition of Bluebonnet Elementary Principal Richard Batlle for being Selected to Participate in the CATALYST Leadership Program
4.E.2. Recognition of Bastrop Intermediate Student Chosen to Attend the Lone Star Leadership Academy
4.E.3. Recognition of Cedar Creek High School Robotics Team
4.E.4. Diversity/Cultural Awareness Initiatives
4.F. Open Forum
5. Superintendent's Report and Board Discussion
5.A. Curriculum Report
5.A.1. Bilingual/ESL Evaluation
5.A.2. Draft School Calendar for the 2011-2012 School Year
5.B. Financial Report - Attachment A
5.B.1. Legislative Update
5.B.2. Consider the Existence of a Need for the Declaration of a Financial Exigency Requiring a Reduction in Force Which May Result in the Non-Renewal or Termination of One or More Contract Employees
5.C. Personnel Report
5.D. Operations Report
5.D.1. Update on Demographic Study
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Consider Approval of Minutes of January 18 and 25, 2011
6.B. Consider Approval of Bids
6.B.1. Maintenance, Repair & Operations Retail Vendor Merchandise and Services #2010-10
6.C. Consider Approval of Tax Refunds
7. Action Items
7.A. Consider Approval of Revisions to TASB Policy FDA (LOCAL) and FDB (LOCAL)
8. Information Items
8.A. District Wide Calendar
8.B. Enrollment
8.C. 2011-2012 Budget Calendar
8.D. Local Board of Trustees Certification Form for Textbooks Covered Under Proclamation 2011
8.E. TASB Policy Update 89
8.F. Discuss Future Agenda Items
9. Closed Session
9.A. Personnel Matters (551.074)
9.A.1. Administrators' Contracts
9.A.2. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding the Employment, Resignation, and Possible Termination of the Probationary Employment of the Athletic Coordinator at Cedar Creek High School at the End of the Current Contract Period
10. Action Resulting from Closed Session
11. Adjournment