December 8, 2015 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Welcome and Call to Order - Mrs. Rebecca Linnemeier, President
2. Pledge of Allegiance - Eric Speicher
3. Invocation - Wendy Hite
4. Patron Comments - Mrs. Rebecca Linnemeier
5. "Good News" - Dr. Tom Edington
5.a. Milford School - Parents and Pies
5.b. WMS Robotics Tournament Success
5.c. Donation of Boat Motor to WACTC from Wawasee Property Owners Association
5.d. Donations for Outdoor Classroom at Milford School - Heidi Shock
6. Grouped Action Items
6.a. Approval of Minutes
6.a.1) Regular School Board Meeting November 10, 2015
6.a.2) Executive Session Minutes November 23, 2015
6.b. Support Services Personnel Recommendations
6.c. Certified Personnel Recommendations
6.d. Claims
7. Reports
7.a. Student Learning Report - Mrs. Joy Goshert
7.a.1) PBIS Report - Mr. Mark Mitchell
7.a.2) 1:1 Implementation Update - Dave VanLue
7.a.3) State Assessments Update
8. Additional Action Items
8.a. Financial Report - Mr. Jim Evans
8.b. Approval of Memorandum of Understanding between WCSC and Alan Tehan/Precision Automotive - Dr. Tom Edington
8.c. Third Reading and Adoption of NEOLA Policy - 3131 - Reduction In Force ("RIF") in Certificated Staff - Mr. James Flecker
8.d. Approval of North Webster Library Board Reappointment - Dr. Tom Edington
8.e. Approval of Out of State/Overnight ERAs - Dr. Tom Edington
8.e.1) WHS Spanish 4 and Spanish for Heritage Learners - Chicago, Illinois
8.e.2) WHS Super Mileage Team - Detroit, Michigan
8.f. Recommendation to Purchase Buses - Dr. Tom Edington
8.g. Project Change Limit - Dr. Tom Edington
8.h. WHS New Course Proposal - Mike Schmidt
8.i. Administrator Retirement Health Expense Buy Out - Mr. Jim Evans
8.j. 1:1 Computer Selection Recommendation - Mr. Dave VanLue
9. Superintendent's Report - Dr. Tom Edington
9.a. New Elementary Project Report
9.b. Corporation Climate Audit
10. Other Items - Dr. Edington and Mrs. Linnemeier
11. Adjournment.