June 11, 2013 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Welcome and Call to Order - Mrs. Rebecca Linnemeier, President
2. Pledge of Allegiance - Mr. George W. Gilbert
3. Invocation - Mr. Mike Wilson
4. Patron Comments - Mrs. Rebecca Linnemeier
5. "Good News" - Dr. Edington
5.a. Milford Fourth Grade Published Book
5.b. Relay For Life Fundraiser Results
5.c. Kosciusko County Community Foundation Grant for CTE ECO Challenge
5.d. Dekko Foundation Grant for Art and Music
5.e. Dekko Grant for Cultivating Primary Development
5.f. ISBA Board Recognition
5.g. Recognition of Academic Super Bowl Team - State Participants
5.h. Recognition of Retiring Certified Personnel
6. Grouped Action Items
6.a. Approval of Minutes
6.b. Support Services Personnel Recommendations
6.c. Certified Personnel Recommendations
6.d. Claims
7. Reports
7.a. Stat of the Month - Dr. Bob Cockburn
7.b. I-Pad Presentation - Mr. Dave VanLue
8. Additional Action Items
8.a. Financial Report - Mr. Evans
8.b. Memorandum of Understanding Between WCSC and the Milford Police Department - Dr. Edington
8.c. Approval of New Hot Lunch Prices - Mr. Evans
8.d. Approval of WHS State FFA Convention Overnight Trip - Dr. Edington
8.e. Approval of WHS National Horse Judging Career Development Event Overnight Trip
8.f. Approval of Athletic Training Agreement - Dr. Edington
8.g. First Reading of NEOLA Policy Updates - Mr. David Cates
9. Superintendent's Report - Dr. Edington
9.a. Board Policy for New State Laws
9.b. School Bus Accident Report
9.c. Health Care Reform Act Update - Mr. Evans
10. Report from Director of Curriculum and Instruction - Mrs. Goshert
11. Other Items - Dr. Edington and Mrs. Linnemeier
11.a. 2013 Graduation
12. Adjournment.