August 30, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Special Meeting
Agenda |
1. Meeting Call to Order
1.A. Open Meeting Notice
2. Public Comment Regarding items on the Agenda
2.A. Policy BED(LOCAL)
3. Consider and take possible action to approve submitting a class size waiver to TEA for Overton Ray Elementary, grades 3 and 4
4. Consider and take possible action to approve utilizing Southern Bleacher Company, through the BuyBoard purchasing co-op, for demolition of the stadium concrete bleachers and construction of new bleachers and authorize Superintendent to execute the contract
5. Discuss possible addition of local days for COVID leave
6. Consider and take possible action to adopt a resolution granting COVID leave to Burkburnett ISD employees
7. Discuss possible changes to mask mandate
8. Consider and take possible action to temporarily impose an indoor mask mandate for all District students, staff, and visitors in all District facilities and school buses effective September 1, 2021 and authorize the Superintendent to adjust the temporary indoor mask mandate as appropriate given the local circumstances, and report such adjustments to the Board
9. Closing Meeting
9.A. Adjourn