July 15, 2010 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Meeting Call To Order 6:00 P.M.
1.A. Open Meeting Notice
2. Workshop/Reports/Information
2.A. Workshop Items
2.A.1. Future agendas review - August 20 Public Hearing Budget & Proposed Tax Rate and Regular Monthly Meeting
2.A.2. Calendar of Board Meetings & Conferences
2.B. Report Items
2.B.1. Capital refurbishment projects update restroom renovations and miscellaneous projects
2.B.2. Budget committee reports - Priority funding recommendations
2.B.3. Employee and Student Handbooks for 2010-11
2.B.4. Strategic Planning Process
2.C. Information Items/Dates
2.C.1. TASB Convention, Houston, September 23 - 26, 2010
3. Consent Agenda Items
3.A. Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting held on June 17, 2010 and Special Meeting held on July 1, 2010
3.B. Monthly financial and investment reports
3.C. Monthly support services report
3.D. Monthly absence reports YTD - None
3.E. Purchase of E 1/2 Lot 8, Lot 9, W 10" Lot 10, Block 1 Chatham Addition, 503 Magnolia
3.F. Appraisal designees
3.G. Designee to calculate effective and rollback rate as per Property Tax Code Sec. 26.04 (c)
4. Communications Not on the Agenda
4.A. Address the Board - Policy BED (LOCAL)
5. Reports/Recognitions
5.A. DER Library and Media Services
6. Financial Reports and Action Items
6.A. Food Bids and Request for Proposals (RFP)
6.A.1. Bid #564 - General Foods for 2010-2011
6.A.2. Bid # 565 - Ice Cream for 2010 - 2011
6.A.3. Bid #566 - Bread for 2010-2011
6.A.4. Bid #567 - Concession soft drinks for 2010-2011 & 2011-2012
6.A.5. RFP #568 - Produce for 2010 - 2011
6.A.6. Renewal for Bid #516 - Milk & Juice for 2010-2011
6.B. Proposed Maintenance and Operating (M&O) and Interest and Sinking (I&S) Budget for 2010-11
6.C. Proposed M&O and I&S Tax Rates for 2010-11
6.D. Amendment of the 2010-11 budget for payroll accruals
7. Unfinished Business
7.A. Approve Aramark Contract
7.B. Board Operating Procedures and Reference Manual revision approval
7.C. Board of Trustees short-term budget goals for 2010-11
8. New Business
8.A. Budget workshops, hearings and approval dates
9. Personnel Reports and Action Items
9.A. Resignation/retirement requests
9.B. Employ Personnel as Recommended
9.C. Employ Director of Federal Programs
10. Closed/Executive Session (if necessary) to discuss employment of personnel: Texas Gov't Code Sec. 551.074
11. Open Session, Action on Item 9.A - C
12. Closing Meeting
12.A. Adjourn