February 18, 2014 at 5:30 PM - Planning Committee - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order.
2. Establishment of Quorum.
3. Public Comment.
4. Approve minutes of Planning Committee meeting:
4.A. Regular Meeting of July 23, 2013. (ACTION)
5. Recommend approval and confirmation of Nueces County Commissioners Court's nomination of Mr. Richard L. Bowers to the Christus Spohn Health System Board of Trustees for a three-year term ending December 2016. (ACTION)
6. Recommend amendment of Nueces Aid Program’s Eligibility
Guidelines Policy No. NA002, Attachment 4, Section F relating to Program
Household Income Guidelines effective April 1, 2014; amendments relate
to federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Public Law
111-148 (Act):
6.A. Amend Paragraph 3 to reduce upper limit of Program's Eligibility Income
Guidelines for Financial Assistance (Gross Household Income
Table) from 150% to 138% (133% plus 5% of individual's income
disregarded) of Federal Poverty Guidelines, reduction due to
availability of cost-sharing and/or premium subsidies; and
6.B. Add new Paragraph 4 relating to Eligibility Income Guidelines for Financial
Assistance and requiring hardship exemption (exemption from personal responsibility requirements)
for Program applicant
income levels between 101% and 138% of Federal Poverty Guidelines;
hardship exemption described under Act, Section 1311(d)(4)(H) and admissible demonstration of hardship exemption via:
6.B.1. Health Insurance Marketplace Exchange website
(http://www.healthcare.gov) operated by the
U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services;
6.B.2. Subsidy Calculator for Premium Assistance for Coverage
in Exchanges website (http://kff.org/interactive/subsidy-calculator/) operated by the Henry
J. Kaiser Family Foundation; or
6.B.3. Other
publicly-available website(s) as may be designated from time-to-time by the Administrator. (ACTION)
7. Recommend authorizing the Administrator to temporarily modify and/or postpone any or
all portions of the Policy No. NA002 amendments approved under Agenda
Item 6.B. above for reasonable cause taking into account the ongoing
interpretation, implementation, and/or application of related portions
of the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Public Law
111-148 and state law. (ACTION)
8. Recommend ratification of award of RFP No. 2013-02 for Pharmacy Benefit Administrative Services and related Agreement. (ACTION)
9. Recommend amendment of Enrollment Department Policy No. ED004 relating to Administrative
Disqualification Hearings and Appeals; Amendment updates general Policy
statement, expands Rules & Procedure section, and revises related
Policy attachments; and amendment effective February 19, 2014. (ACTION)
10. Receive providers' reports relating to certain Indigent Care Affiliation Agreements associated with the Hospital District's participation in the Texas Healthcare Transformation and Quality Improvement Program Medicaid 1115 Waiver:
10.A. Christus Spohn Hospitals (Joint Report): Alice, Beeville, and Kleberg: June 30, 2013; September 30, 2013; and December 31, 2013 ;
10.B. Corpus Christi Medical Center: June 30, 2013;
10.C. DeTar Healthcare System: June 30, 2013 and December 31, 2013; and
10.D. Driscoll Children's Hospital: June 30, 2013; September 30, 2013; and December 31, 2013. (INFORMATION)
11. Adjourn.