July 18, 2017 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order and roll call
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States flag, Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas flag, moment of silence
3. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
3.A. Regular Meeting - June 13, 2017
3.B. Special Meeting - June 26, 2017
3.C. Special Meeting - June 29, 2017
4. Reports
4.A. Tax report
4.B. Cafeteria Report
4.C. Current bills and financial report
4.D. Investment transaction report
4.E. Reconciled bank balance report
4.F. Revenue and Expenditure Report
5. Recognition/Correspondence
6. Open Forum/Audience
7. Superintendent's Report
7.A. Bond Update and Facility Renovation Report
7.B. Food Service Charge Policy for 2017-2018
7.C. Technology Demonstration
8. Public Hearing
9. Discussion and Consideration Items
9.A. Consideration and possible action on a proposed Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment to the Construction Manager at Risk contract with Mid-Tex of Midland, Inc. for the November 2016 Bond Program
9.B. Consider and possible action to rescind hiring authority granted to the Board of Trustees by Board action at the June 13, 2017 Regular Board Meeting in PBT-ISD Board Policy DC (LOCAL) and vesting the authority back to the Superintendent for the period of May 1 through August 31
9.C. Consider and possible action on changes to dress code to incorporate standardized dress for the 2017-2018 school year
9.D. Consider and possible action on allowing students to bring cell phones to school
9.E. Consider and possible action on Option 3 Agreement for the Purchase of Attendance Credits
9.F. Consider and possible action to delegate contractual authority to obligate the school district under Texas Education Code (TEC) §11.1511(c)(4) to the superintendent, solely for the purpose of obligating the district under TEC, Chapter 41, Subchapters A and D, and the rules adopted by the commissioner of education as authorized under TEC, 41.006 for the 2017-2018 school year
9.G. Consider and possible action on 2016-2017 Budget Amendments
9.H. Consider and possible action on the Bank Depository Request for Proposals
9.I. Consider and possible action to appoint a Board delegate and alternate for the 2017 TASB Delegate Assembly
9.J. Consider and possible action to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Reeves County and Town of Pecos City for use of District Facilities for Community Sports and Recreation Program
9.K. Discuss and review 2017-2018 Budget
10. Closed session as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, 551.101 et. seq.
10.A. Pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.071, 551.074; and 551.129: Consultation with legal counsel including possible telephone consultation with legal counsel, as necessary, to address legal concerns, implications, and answer any legal questions regarding posted agenda items
10.B. Pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.071 and 551.129, consultation with legal counsel to obtain legal advice regarding the proposed Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment to the Construction Manager at Risk contract with Mid-Tex of Midland, Inc. for the November 2016 Bond Program
10.C. Pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.071 and 551.129 – Closed session telephone consultation with legal counsel regarding non-school use of PBT-ISD facilities
10.D. Pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.074 - Discuss personnel matters, including appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee
11. Open Session, take action, if any, on the items discussed in closed session
11.A. Consider and possible action on professional personnel, including appointment, employment, evaluation, assignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee
12. Miscellaneous
12.A. Date and time for next meeting
12.A.1. Budget Workshop - August 3, 2017
12.A.2. Regular Meeting - August 17, 2017
12.B. Request for items for next agenda
13. Adjournment