March 22, 2012 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order and roll call
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States flag, Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas flag, moment of silence
3. Approval of Consent Agenda Items
3.A. Regular Meeting - February 16, 2012
3.B. Special Meeting - February 28, 2012
3.C. Refined ADA Report through 4th Six Weeks
3.D. Summary of Finance
3.E. Bond Project Financial Recap
3.F. 2011-2012 budget amendments
3.G. Cafeteria Report
3.H. Tax report
3.J. Investment transaction report
3.K. Reconciled bank balance report
3.L. Reeves County Community Recreation Department report
3.M. Pel Industries, Inc. Royalty Report and Check for Pecos High School
4. Recognition
4.A. Presentation of certificates to Superintendent's List Award recipients
4.B. Presentation of plaque to Bessie Haynes for being a Recognized Campus
4.C. Update on DARE Program
5. Open Forum/Audience
6. Superintendent's Report
6.A. Facility Repair List
6.B. TASB Facility Study
6.C. Board Training Opportunities
7. Discussion and Consideration Items
7.A. Update on facilities, including bond projects
7.B. Consider and possible action on requests received by the Reeves County Appraisal District office to purchase the following foreclosed properties:
7.B.1. Property #1: 413 Sycamore, Lot 21, Block 49, Original Pecos Addition, Pecos, Texas, Reeves County, GEO 500-3150-00-00
7.B.2. Property #2: Lots 27-28, Block 31, Veterans Addition, Town of Pecos City, Reeves County, Texas. Geo: 640-2600
7.B.3. Property #3: Block 13, Section 199, .5 acres, "Ramones Grocery", Reeves County, Texas. Geo: 1000-4415-5
7.C. First reading on TASB Policy Update 93, affecting the following local policies:
7.C.1. DAB (Local): Employment Objectives - Genetic Nondiscrimination
7.C.2. DAC (Local): Employment Objectives - Objective Criteria for Personnel Decisions
7.C.3. DH (Local): Employee Standards of Conduct
7.C.4. EFA (Local): Instructional Resources - Instructional Materials
7.C.5. FDB (Local): Admissions - Intradistrict Transfers and Classroom Assignments
7.C.6. FFH (Local): Student Welfare - Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
7.C.7. FFI (Local): Student Welfare - Freedom from Bullying
7.D. Consider and possible action to accept bid received on the real property (surface only), described as the following multiple lots, tracts of parcels of land lying and being situated in Pecos, Reeves County, Texas:
Acres: 11.715. Lts 8 thru 14 Blk 6, Meadowbrook , Pecos Acres: 1.109. Lts 1 thru 7 Blk 9, Meadowbrook , Pecos Acres: 1.109. Lts 8 thru 14 Blk 9, Meadowbrook , Pecos Acres: 0.475. Lts 1-2 & 3 Blk 10, Meadowbrook , Pecos Acres: 0.475. Lts 5-6-7 Blk 10, Meadowbrook , Pecos Acres: 0.974. 30.6 X 1386 Strip out of Meadowbrook , Pecos Acres: 0.158. Lt 4 Blk 10, Meadowbrook , Pecos Acres: 1.426. Lts 16 to 24 Incl Blk 1, Meadowbrook, Pecos Acres: 0.475. Lts 1-2-3 Blk 2, Meadowbrook, Pecos Acres: 0.554. N/2 Lt 21 & all Lt 22-23-24 Blk 2, Meadowbrook, Pecos Acres: 1.901. Lts 1 thru 12 Blk 3, Meadowbrook, Pecos Acres: 1.901. Lts 13 thru 24 Blk 3, Meadowbrook, Pecos Acres: 1.901. Lts 1 thru 12 Blk 4, Meadowbrook, Pecos Acres: 1.901. Lts 13 thru 24 Blk 4, Meadowbrook, Pecos Acres: 1.901. All Blk 5 (Lts 1 thru 12), Meadowbrook, Pecos
7.E. Consider and possible action to retain Eckert & Company as the Independent Financial Auditor for the 2011-2012 audit
7.F. Discuss 15% STAAR rule
7.G. Consider and possible action on textbook committee and approve the instructional materials allotment and TEKS Certification for 2012-2013
8. Closed session as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, 551.101 et. seq.
8.A. Texas Gov't Code 551.074 - Discuss personnel matters, including appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline of an employee including receiving recommendations from Superintendent on the renewal of term and probationary teacher contracts
9. Open Session, take action, if any, on the items discussed in closed session
9.A. Consider and possible action on professional personnel - appointment, employment, evaluation, assignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee including receiving recommendations from Superintendent on the renewal of term and probationary teacher contracts
10. Miscellaneous
10.A. Date and time for next meeting
10.A.1. Regular Meeting - April 19, 2012
10.B. Calendar of Events
10.C. Request for items for next agenda
11. Adjournment