November 15, 2010 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order and roll call
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States flag, Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas flag, one minute of silence
3. Approval of minutes
3.A. Regular Meeting - October 14, 2010
3.B. Training Meeting - October 18, 2010
3.C. Special Meeting - October 28, 2010
3.D. Special Meeting - November 4, 2010
4. Audience
5. Correspondence
5.A. Letter from TEA denying appeal of completion rate
5.B. Letter from Region 18 recognizing Austin Elementary
6. Old Business
7. New Business
7.A. Update on facilities, including bond projects
7.B. Consider and possible action on repair or demolition of portable classroom building south of the Administration Office
7.C. Consider and possible action on sealed bids on 3 SUV type vehicles
7.D. Schools FIRST (Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas) Disclosures
7.E. Consider and possible action on Interlocal Agreement with Town of Pecos City to purchase a drug dog
7.F. First reading on Policy DEC Local: Compensations and Benefits - Leaves and Absences
7.G. Consider and possible action to lease purchase Xerox 5135 machines for campus/department offices
7.H. Consider and possible action to lease purchase Xerox 5790 machines for campuses
7.I. Update on Summary of Finance for 2010-2011
7.J. Consider and possible action on 2010-2011 budget amendments
7.K. Consider and possible action on requests received by the tax office to purchase the following foreclosed properties:
7.K.1. Property #1: 411 W. 7th Street, E. 60’ of S 75 Lot 3, Block 77, Original Addition, Town of Pecos City, Reeves County, Texas, Geo 500-5000
7.K.2. Property #2: 407 S. Hackberry Street, N10’ of Lot 4 and all of Lot 3 exc N1.5’ E 85.5’ Block 34, West Park Addition, Town of Pecos City, Reeves County, Texas, Geo 680-1500
7.K.3. Property #3: 1501 Cowan, Lot 24, Block 3, East Airlawn Heights Addition, Town of Pecos City, Reeves County, Texas, Geo 40-720
7.K.4. Property #4: 710 S. Bois D Arc Street, S50’ of Lot 4, Block 62, West Park Addition, Town of Pecos City, Reeves County, Texas, Geo 680-3220
7.K.5. Property #5: 1403 S. Oak, Lot 7, Block B-5, College Addition, Town of Pecos City, Reeves County, Texas, Geo 190-5020
7.K.6. Property #6: NW Corner 6th and Eddy Street, S88’ of Lot 3, Block 45, West Park Addition, Town of Pecos City, Reeves County, Texas, Geo 680-2200
7.L. Consider and possible action to approve Campus Attendance Committees
7.M. Consider and possible action on addition to Board Operating Procedures - Duties of the Board President
7.N. Closed session as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, 551.101 et. seq.
7.N.1. Texas Gov't Code 551.074 - To discuss and review applications for the Superintendent position
7.O. Open Session, take action, if any, on the items discussed in closed session
7.P. Reports
7.P.1. TASA/TASB Convention Report
7.P.2. Staff Attendance Report
7.P.3. Cafeteria Report
7.P.4. Tax Report
7.P.5. Depository securities report
7.P.7. Investment transaction report
7.P.8. Reconciled bank balance report
7.P.9. Reeves County Community Recreation Department report
8. Miscellaneous
8.A. Date and time for next meeting
8.A.1. Special Meeting - November 20, 2010
8.A.2. Regular Meeting - December 9, 2010
8.B. Calendar of Events
8.C. Request for items for next agenda
9. Adjournment