February 9, 2006 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to order and roll call
2. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States flag, Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas flag, one minute of silence
3. Approval of minutes
3.A. Regular Meeting - January 12, 2006
3.B. Special Meeting - February 7, 2006
4. Audience
5. Correspondence
6. Old Business
6.A. Report on PHS Fire Alarm Project
6.B. Report on Pecos Kindergarten and Bessie Haynes Roof Project
7. New Business
7.A. Consider and possible action on 2004-2005 audit
7.B. Consider and possible action on ordering a school trustee election for May 13, 2006 and appointing the early voting clerk
7.C. Consider and possible action on selection of elections judges, early voting ballot board judge and alternate and central counting officials
7.D. Consider and possible action on resolution to provide at least one accessible voting system at each polling place for voters with physical disabilities as required by Texas Election Code Section 61.012
7.E. Election Calendar
7.F. Report on board member training
7.G. Consider and possible action on budget calendar
7.H. Consider and possible action on 2005-06 budget amendments
7.I. Consider and possible action on resolution for Texas Public Schools Week
7.J. Public hearing on AEIS (Academic Excellence Indicator System) Report
7.K. Consider and possible action on AEIS (Academic Excellence Indicator System) Report
7.L. Second reading and consideration and possible action on changes to local policies and review of legal policies contained in TASB Policy Update 77
7.M. First Reading on Local Policies DC - Employment Practices, DCB - Educator Term Contracts, DCD - At-Will Employment and DCE - Other Types of Contracts
7.N. First Reading on Local Policies DBF Employment Requirements and Restrictions: Nonschool Employment
7.O. Consider and possible action on Emergency Operations Plan
7.P. Consider and possible action on requests to purchase foreclosed properties
7.Q. Consider and possible action on activity bus lease purchase
7.R. Review hiring procedures
7.S. Discuss Athletic Director/Head Football Coach Screening Process and Committee
7.T. Discuss Junior/Senior Prom Fund raising activities
7.U. Consider and possible action to hire Cox Consulting
7.V. Consider and possible action on request by the Women's Division of the Chamber of Commerce for use of the Pecos High School auditorium for the Golden Girl Revue rehearsals and pageant and waive fees
7.W. Closed session as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act, 551.101 et.seq., Section 551.074:
7.W.1. Section 551.074 (a) To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, assignment, duties, discipline or dismissal of a public officer or employee
7.X. Take action, if any of items discussed in closed session including consider and possible action on professional personnel - appointments, resignations, retirements, change of contract
7.Y. Reports
7.Y.1. Tax Report
7.Y.2. Cafeteria report and commodities received
7.Y.3. Depository securities report
7.Y.4. Current bills and financial report
7.Y.5. Investment transaction report
7.Y.6. Reconciled bank balance report
7.Y.7. Reeves County Community Recreation Department report
8. Miscellaneous
8.A. Date and time for next meeting
8.A.1. Special Meeting - February 16, 2006 - Initial Interviews
8.A.2. Special Meeting - February 17, 2006 - Initial Interviews
8.A.3. Special Meeting - February 18, 2006 - Initial Interviews
8.A.4. Special Meeting - February 23, 2006 - Initial Interviews
8.A.5. Special Meeting - February 24, 2006 - Initial Interviews
8.A.6. Special Meeting - February 25, 2006 - Initial Interviews
8.A.7. Special Meeting - March 1, 2006 - Name Lone Finalist
8.A.8. Regular Meeting - March 15, 2006 @ 6:00 p.m.
8.B. Calendar of Events
8.C. Request for items for next agenda
9. Adjournment