April 22, 2008 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call of Board Members
3. Recognition of Guests
4. Student of the Month Recognition
5. Open Forum
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Approval of Board Minutes
6.B. Obligations and Vouchers
6.C. Financial Statement
6.D. Donations
7. Field Trips
7.A. Jr. High Student Council Field Trip-Grapevine, TX
8. Facility Use Request
9. Consider Repeal of All Previously Adopted Policies and Adoption of (LOCAL) Policies as Prepared by TASB Policy Service
10. Consider Student Transfer Tuition for 2008-2009
11. Application for Missed Instructional Days
12. Graduation Policy
Trevor Rogers
The Board will consider graduation policy concerning students who have met TAKS requirements but not class work requirements.
13. Schedule for Senior Students for 2008-2009
14. Superintendent's Report
14.A. Current Enrollment
14.B. TASB Law Update
14.C. TASB Board Briefs
14.D. Leadership Team Times
14.E. 2008 Summer Leadership Institute
14.F. Invitation to Jr. High Awards Assembly
Harleton Baptist Church
May 15, 2008
6:30 pm
14.G. TAKS Scores for Grades 3, 5, & 8 Reading
14.H. Equity Center - News & Notes
15. Building Maintenance Update
15.A. Maintenance Report
15.B. Stadium Dr. Repair
15.C. Facilities Assessment Update
16. Personnel Issues
16.A. Consider Hiring Auxiliary Personnel
16.A.1. Food Service
16.A.2. Custodial
16.B. Consider Assistant Band Director Position
16.C. Consider Additional Elementary Teaching Position
17. Student Issues
17.A. Student Request for Early Graduation