October 16, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to order, Establishment of Quorum, Board Protocol
2. Pledge / Invocation
3. Special Recognition
3.a. Campus/Department Spotlight
4. Public comments / audience participation
5. Acting superintendent's monthly update
6. Legislative update
7. Finance update
8. Board member reports/comments
Reports and comments from board members regarding meetings and conferences attended, including board training; schools visited; community and district activities; new initiatives; education programs; and board member continuing education. No action will be taken on any of the items discussed at this meeting.
9. Consent Agenda
9.a. Approval of the minutes from the September 18, 2023, regular board meeting, October 2, 2023, special board meeting, and October 2, 2023, special joint meeting with the City of Brenham and Washington County Commissioners
9.b. Approval of a Resolution Amending Authorized Representatives for the Texas Local Government Investment Pool (TexPool)
9.c. Approval of changing authorized representatives for the First Public Lone Star Investment Pool account
10. Consider and possible approval of mini-grant donations for teachers, departments and campuses from the Brenham ISD Education Foundation
11. Curriculum Management System presentation
12. Annual Bilingual & ESL program report
13. Monthly reports for information purposes
13.a. Professional Personnel New Hire Report
13.b. Professional Personnel Resignation/Retirement Report
14. Executive Session
An Executive Session will be held for the purpose authorized by Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, Consultation with Attorney, 551.074, Personnel Matters, and 551.076, Deliberation Regarding Security Devices |
15. Adjournment