September 20, 2021 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call
2. Invocation
3. Approval of Minutes
4. Communications
5. Audience to Patrons and Petitions
6. Information Items
6.A. Enrollment Reports
6.A.1. Credit Students. The Registrar's Office reports the attached enrollment information for the Fall 2021 semester.
6.A.2. Dual Credit and Concurrent Enrollment Report. The Registrar’s Office reports the attached dual credit and concurrent enrollment for the Fall 2021 semester.
6.A.3. Community Education Courses. The Director, Community Education, reports the attached enrollment and participant hours for the Community Education Program for the month of August 2017-2021.
6.A.4. Center for Business/Industry Training. The Director, Center for Business/Industry Training, reports the attached enrollment and participant hours for the month of August 2017-2021.
6.B. Report of Taxes Collected. Attached are the report of taxes collected for the month of August 2021 and the cumulative tax report for the period of September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2021.
6.C. Report of Unfilled Positions. The Vice President, Human Resources, provides the attached report on vacant positions that are currently being advertised.
6.D. Resignations and Retirements. Pursuant to Board Policy DMD (LOCAL), the President has accepted the written notice of resignation and retirement from the following contract employees:
Ms. Alicia DeLeon, Assistant Professor of Business Administration & Computer Technology, submitted her notice of retirement, effective May 31, 2022. Mr. Sunil Khanal, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, submitted his resignation, effective August 17, 2021. Ms. Nicole Millikan, Assistant Professor of Nursing and Program Coordinator, submitted her resignation, effective August 31, 2021. |
6.E. New Teachers for Community Education Program. There are no new teachers to report for the Community Education Department for the month of August 2021.
6.F. Fund Development Report. The Vice President, College Advancement, provides the attached report on fund development activities of the Brazosport College Foundation for the months of August and September 2021.
6.G. Adjunct Credit Teachers, Fall 2021. The Vice President, Academic & Student Affairs, recommends approval of adjunct teachers in the attached memo for 2021 Fall semester credit courses. Each of the teachers is qualified in the area of assignment.
The President, under authority granted by the Board, has approved this recommendation.
6.H. Approval of FY22 SBDC Budget. Attached is a communication from the Director, Small Business Development Center (SBDC), recommending a federal budget in the amount of $160,077 for the SBDC program for FY2022.
The President, under authority granted by the Board, has approved this recommendation.
6.I. Accelerate Texas (ATX) VI Grant Budget. Attached is a communication from the Director, Business Services, reporting on a notification from the Texas Workforce Commission that Brazosport College has received approval for the Accelerate Texas VI Grant Budget in the amount of $529,635 for the period of August 15, 2021 through August 14, 2023.
The President, under authority granted by the Board, has approved this recommendation.
6.J. Jobs and Education for Texans (JET) Grant Budget. Attached is a communication from the Director, Business Services, reporting on a notification from the Texas Workforce Commission that Brazosport College has received approval for the 2021-2022 Jobs and Education for Texans (JET) Grant Budget in the amount of $220,985.
The President, under authority granted by the Board, has approved this recommendation.
6.K. Writing Center Annual Report. The Director, Writing Center, provides the attached update on activities of the Writing Center for the past year.
6.L. Center for Business/Industry Training Annual Report. The Director, Center for Business/Industry Training, presents the attached annual report about current CBIT activities and plans for the future.
6.M. BC Foundation Scholarship Soiree. The next biennial Scholarship Soiree, “Black Tie and Bubbly”, will be held on Friday, October 1, 2021, from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. at the Dow Academic Center at Brazosport College. Dow is the presenting sponsor, with Fernando and Fernanda Signorini serving as Honorary Chairs. David and Jaimee Howarth are the event chairs. The entertainment for the evening will be provided by the Royal Dukes Band from Houston, TX. Invitations were mailed in early August. More information on the 2021 Scholarship Soiree can be found at:
6.N. ACCT Annual Leadership Congress. The 2021 ACCT Annual Leadership Congress is scheduled for October 13-16, 2021 at the Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego in San Diego, CA. The theme of this year’s Congress is Community Colleges: Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Steve Solis has confirmed his attendance. If other Regents are interested in attending, reservations are to be made through Kasie Guthrie, Executive Assistant to the President. More information on the ACCT Leadership Conference can be found at:
6.O. President's Reception and Opening Concert. The President’s Reception and Opening Concert for the Clarion is scheduled for Saturday, October 16, 2021. The reception will begin at 6:00 p.m. and will be held in the Corporate Learning Center. The concert, featuring Sawyer Brown, will begin at 7:30 p.m. The sponsor for the evening is BASF Corporation. Invitations will be extended to the Board of Regents by mail.
6.P. Board Policy Review. At the Board Workshop on February 13-14, 2009, Regents initiated a systematic review of Board policy. It was suggested that a number of Board policies be included for review as part of each monthly agenda. Questions regarding the referenced policy may be addressed to the President prior to the meeting for clarification and/or discussion.
The attached policy DLC (LEGAL) regarding Employee Performance – Promotion and Demotion can be found at:
6.Q. Brazosport College Calendar. The Brazosport College Calendar for September 30, 2021 through November 26, 2021 is attached.
7. Reports/Presentations
7.A. SACSCOC Fifth-Year Interim Report. The Vice President, Academic & Student Affairs, will provide information on the 2021 SACSCOC Fifth-Year Report.
7.B. HEERF Funding Report. The Vice President, Financial Services & CFO, will provide information on the Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF) that the College received and the use of those funds through August 31, 2021.
7.C. President's Report.
-College Update -Legislative Update -Regents' Visibility
8. Unfinished Business
8.A. Proposed Amended Board Policy - BBF (LOCAL) - Board Members - Ethics. The Vice President, Human Resources, recommends adoption of amended Policy BBF (LOCAL) regarding the ethic requirements for Board Members. Board policy provides that new or amended policies are to be presented at one meeting and adopted at a subsequent meeting. Attached is a copy of the proposed amended policy with existing policy language appearing as regular text, deleted language appearing in red font with a line through it, and new language in blue font. A final version without edits is also attached.
This proposed policy is presented for second reading and adoption.
8.B. Proposed New Board Policy - DLB (LOCAL) - Employee Performance - Suspension. The Vice President, Human Resources, recommends adoption of new Policy DLB (LOCAL) regarding the procedures for suspension of an employee’s employment. Board policy provides that new or amended policies are to be presented at one meeting and adopted at a subsequent meeting. Attached is a copy of the proposed new policy.
This proposed policy is presented for second reading and adoption.
8.C. Proposed Amended Board Policy - DMAA (LOCAL) - Term Contracts - Termination Mid-Contract. The Vice President, Human Resources, recommends adoption of amended Policy DMAA (LOCAL) regarding the termination of contracts while mid-contract. Board policy provides that new or amended policies are to be presented at one meeting and adopted at a subsequent meeting. Attached is a copy of the proposed amended policy with existing policy language appearing as regular text, deleted language appearing in red font with a line through it, and new language in blue font. A final version without edits is also attached.
This proposed policy is presented for second reading and adoption.
8.D. Proposed Amended Board Policy - DMAB (LOCAL) - Term Contracts - Nonrenewal. The Vice President, Human Resources, recommends adoption of amended Policy DMAB (LOCAL) regarding the nonrenewal of term contracts. Board policy provides that new or amended policies are to be presented at one meeting and adopted at a subsequent meeting. Attached is a copy of the proposed amended policy with existing policy language appearing as regular text, deleted language appearing in red font with a line through it, and new language in blue font. A final version without edits is also attached.
This proposed policy is presented for second reading and adoption.
9. New Business
9.A. Adoption of Tax Rate. At the August 16, 2021 Board meeting the Board adopted the FY 2021-2022 budget of $62,000,000. The Board also proposed the no new revenue tax rate of $0.309341, which is a tax increase of 3.85% compared to last year's tax rate.
It would be appropriate for the Board to adopt the attached resolution adopting the tax rate for the tax year of 2021, which the College collects in FY 2021-2022.
9.B. Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ). The City of Freeport has established Reinvestment Zone #1 to combat blight and redevelop a severely distressed downtown. The County approved participation in the TIRZ by executing an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Freeport for a period of 25 years at 40% of taxes collected above the captured value of the 2019 property appraisal. The College desires to participate in the TIRZ by executing an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Freeport for a period of 25 years at 40% participation beginning with the 2021 tax year, which is the College’s 2021-2022 fiscal year.
It would be appropriate for the Board to authorize the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Freeport.
9.C. Rescind Board Resolution Regarding COVID-19 Emergency. The Brazosport College Board of Regents approved the adoption of a Board Resolution on April 20, 2020 to delegate certain authorities vested in the Board of Regents to the President of the College in order to ensure a prompt response to emergencies and modifications to College operations necessitated by the COVID-19 Emergency. With the College opening for on-campus operations and face-to-face courses this Summer and Fall, the Board Resolution regarding the COVID-19 Emergency should be rescinded.
It would be appropriate for the Board to rescind the Board Resolution regarding the COVID-19 Emergency. |
9.D. Interlocal Agreement with Madge Griffith Elementary School. Attached is an Interlocal Agreement between Brazosport College and Madge Griffith Elementary School which allows utilization of the College gymnasium in the event of an emergency evacuation by local emergency management authorities.
It would be appropriate for the Board to authorize the Interlocal Agreement.
9.E. Recognition of Juneteenth as a Paid Holiday. On June 18, 2021, President Joseph Biden proclaimed Juneteenth (June 19th) to be a federal holiday. The Vice President, Human Resources, and the Executive Council recommend that Juneteenth be honored by Brazosport College as a paid holiday on the Friday closest to June 19th in order to have the least impact to the Summer I term schedule. Additionally, in that BC has only a four hour work day on Fridays, it is recommended that BC reduce the work days on Monday through Thursday by one hour each (8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.) during the week when BC honors Juneteenth. This will correspond with how BC handles other holidays that fall on a Friday. An amended Academic Calendar for FY22 is attached.
The President joins in this recommendation. It would be appropriate for the Board to approve the amended Academic Calendar and approve that Brazosport College will honor Juneteenth as a paid holiday on the Friday closest to June 19th.
9.F. Proposed Amended Board Policy – DEC (LOCAL) – Compensation and Benefits – Leaves and Absences. The Vice President, Human Resources, recommends adoption of amended Policy DEC (LOCAL) regarding employee leaves and absences. Board policy provides that new or amended policies are to be presented at one meeting and adopted at a subsequent meeting. Attached is a copy of the proposed amended policy with existing policy language appearing as regular text, new language in underlined blue or red font, and deleted language in red font with a strike-through.
This proposed policy is presented for first reading.
9.G. Proposed Revisions to Compensation Plan Procedures. The Vice President, Human Resources, recommends revisions to the College’s Compensation Schedules and Educational Growth Credit Guidelines. These guidelines are the College’s compensation plan procedures. The existing Guidelines require that faculty must be tenured to obtain the faculty rank of professor. This is incorrect, outdated language from the past tenure system. It is requested that the Guidelines be amended to delete this language, which is located at page 4 (page 7 of 17 within the document).
It would be appropriate for the Board to approve the proposed revisions to the College’s Compensation Schedules and Educational Growth Credit Guidelines.
9.H. Payroll Related to Emergency Closure Due to Hurricane Nicholas. At its August 16, 2021 meeting, the Board pre-authorized and approved that the College pay its full-time, part-time, and student employees who are scheduled to work during an emergency closure of one week or less, unless any of those days are scheduled to be made up at a later date. Due to rain and strong winds throughout Brazosport College’s area caused by Hurricane Nicholas, Brazosport College closed on Monday, September 13, 2021. It is unclear when power will be restored to campus and the surrounding area. It is possible that the emergency closure related to Hurricane Nicholas could extend beyond one week.
Policy DEA (LOCAL) states that if “the Board chooses to pay employees during an emergency closure for which the workdays are not scheduled to be made up at a later date, then that authorization shall be by resolution or other Board action and shall reflect the purpose served by the expenditure.” The Vice President, Human Resources, recommends that, unless any work time is scheduled to be made up at a later date, the Board authorize that the College pay its full-time, part-time, and student employees who were scheduled to work during the emergency closure related to Hurricane Nicholas, even if that closure extends beyond one week. Employees should not have to expend leave or go without pay due to the College’s decision to close due to the emergency. The President joins in this recommendation. It would be appropriate for the Board to approve that the College pay its full-time employees and part-time employees who were scheduled to work but could not due to the emergency closure that occurred due to Hurricane Nicholas, unless any of that work time is scheduled to be made up. |
9.I. Employment of Ms. Leslie Cummings as Research Analyst. Included in the agenda is a communication from the Vice President, Academic & Student Services, recommending the employment of Ms. Leslie Cummings as Research Analyst for the 2021-2022 academic year. A biographical summary and position notice are also included.
The President joins in this recommendation. It would be appropriate for the Board to approve the contract for the period and conditions identified.
9.J. Financial Report. The August financial statements are not included due to the power outage related to Hurricane Nicholas. The August and September 2021 financial statements will be included in the October 18, 2021 agenda.
10. Executive Session
The President requests an Executive Session as provided in the Texas Government Code, Section 551.074. For the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee. -To discuss the Presidential Search finalist process. Open Session Consideration and action, if any, regarding items discussed in Executive Session. (Those listed under Executive Session in this notice.) |