October 21, 2019 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call
2. Invocation
3. Approval of Minutes
3.A. September 16, 2019.
3.B. September 30, 2019.
4. Communications. Attached is a communication received from Dr. Jane Leidlein on October 2, 2019 announcing her resignation from her position as Regent, Position 4.
5. Audience to Patrons and Petitions
6. Information Items
6.A. Enrollment Reports
6.A.1. Credit Students. The Registrar’s Office reports the attached headcount/contact hour enrollment for the Fall 2019 semester.
6.A.2. Dual Credit
and Concurrent Enrollment Report. The Registrar’s Office reports the attached dual credit and concurrent enrollment for the Fall 2019 semester.
6.A.3. Community Education Courses. The Director, Community Education, reports the attached enrollment and participation for the Community Education Program for the month of September 2015-2019.
6.A.4. Center for Business/Industry Training. The Director, Center for Business/Industry Training, reports the attached enrollment and participant hours for September 2015-2019.
6.B. Report of Taxes Collected. Attached is the report of taxes collected for the month of September 2019.
6.C. Report of Unfilled Positions. The Vice President, Human Resources, provides the attached report on vacant positions that are currently being advertised.
Teachers for Community Education Program. Attached is a communication from the Director, Community Education, reporting on three new teachers for the Community Education Program.
6.E. Fund Development Report. The Vice President, College Advancement, provides the attached report on fund development activities of the Brazosport College Foundation for the months of September and October 2019.
6.F. Board Focus Report. The Vice President, College Advancement, provides the attached Board Focus report for the 3rd quarter of 2019. The report is a summary of Regent Visibility activities from January 1, 2019 through September 30, 2019.
6.G. Marketing & Communications Annual Report. The Director, Marketing & Communications, provides the attached annual report of the Marketing & Communications Department for the year 2018-19.
6.H. Grant Administration Annual Report. Grant Administration provides the attached annual report on departmental activities.
6.I. Quarterly Report on Performance. The Dean, Planning, Institutional Effectiveness and Research, provides information on selected measures of College performance in the attached Performance Report.
6.J. THECB Accountability Report. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board regularly updates its accountability system for Texas institutions of higher education. Attached for the Board's information is a memorandum from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board with online access to the accountability report for Brazosport College. Also attached are an Instruction Guide for the accountability system and the Financial Condition Analysis of Texas Public Community College Districts.
6.K. Appointment of Interim Vice President. With the announcement of Dr. Villanueva being named sole finalist for the presidency at Lee College, we have begun transition planning. We are fortunate to have Lynda continue in her current role while we plan for her departure at the end of this semester. Given the time it takes to conduct a national search, there will most likely be a gap between the end of the fall semester and the start date for a new Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs. To ensure continuity, Dr. Walcerz has been appointed to fill the role of Interim Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs.
6.L. President's Circle of Excellence Reception. The President’s Circle of Excellence Reception is scheduled for Thursday, October 24, 2019, from 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. in the Dow Academic Center Regency Suite at Brazosport College. The reception is to honor the Founding Members of the President’s Circle of Excellence initiative which was launched in support of Brazosport College’s 50th Anniversary.
The President’s Circle of Excellence was established through the Brazosport College Foundation to provide discretionary funds that allow for maximum flexibility in meeting priorities aligned with the College’s strategic plan. Dr. Millicent Valek, President, has selected the Emergency Aid Fund as the first priority of the President’s Circle of Excellence which launched in fall 2019. Emergency aid funding is available to students who experience an unexpected or unforeseen circumstance that may prevent them from achieving their immediate educational and career goals at Brazosport College. |
6.M. LVN Pinning Ceremony. The LVN Pinning Ceremony is scheduled for Thursday, November 14, 2019, at 6 p.m. at the Clarion. The public is invited to attend.
6.N. Gator Gallop. The annual Gator Gallop run is scheduled for Saturday, November 16, 2019. This year’s event will feature a BASF sponsored Kids Run, 1 mile run, and 5K run. Gator Gallop is open to all community members. Registration and information for the race is available at https://register.chronotrack.com/r/52626.
6.O. 2019 Texas Higher Education Leadership Conference. The 2019 Texas Higher Education Leadership Conference is scheduled for Thursday, November 21 through Friday, November 22, 2019 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Austin, Texas. The theme for this year’s conference is Knowledge and Skills Now: Higher Education as a Leader in Opportunity. Members of the Board of Regents are encouraged to attend with Dr. Millicent Valek, President. Registration for the conference is to be made through Kasie Guthrie, Executive Assistant to the President.
6.P. Community Education Graduation. Community Education Graduation ceremonies for students completing Adult Basic Education and Workforce Programs will be held on Thursday, December 5, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. at the Clarion.
6.Q. Law Enforcement Academy Graduation. The Law Enforcement Academy Graduation will be held on Friday, December 13, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. in Gator Hall. The public is invited to attend.
6.R. Foundation Board Annual Holiday Meeting. The Foundation Board Annual Holiday Meeting is scheduled for Friday, December 13, 2019, at 6:00 p.m. at The Clarion at Brazosport College. Board of Regents and their guests are invited to attend. Invitations to follow.
6.S. January 2020 Board Meeting. The January 2020 meeting of the Board of Regents is set for Tuesday, January 21, 2020, due to a College holiday on Monday.
6.T. 2020 Board of Trustees Institute. The 2020 Board of Trustees Institute (BOTI), as part of the Texas Success Center, has been set for March 23-25, 2020 in Lost Pines, TX. Two members of the Board of Regents are invited to attend in addition to Dr. Millicent Valek, President. Reservations are to be made through Kasie Guthrie, Executive Assistant to the President.
Review. At the Board Workshop on February 13-14, 2009, Regents initiated a systematic review of Board policy. It was suggested that a number of Board policies be included for review as part of each monthly agenda. Questions regarding the referenced policy may be addressed to the President prior to the meeting for clarification and/or discussion.
The attached policy DECB (LEGAL) regarding Leaves and Absences – Military Leave is presented for the Board's information on page 115 and also can be found at: https://pol.tasb.org/Policy/Download/215?filename=DECB(LEGAL).pdf.
6.V. Brazosport College Calendar. The Brazosport College Calendar for October 25, 2019 through January 3, 2020 is attached.
7. Reports/Presentations
7.A. Endowment Investment Update. Mr. Shannon Willems, AB Bernstein, will provide information on the performance and allocation of the College endowment funds. Included is Mr. Willems’ presentation.
7.B. Stephen F. Austin Community College Health Network. The Vice President, Industry & Community Resources, and Mr. Mark Young, CEO of Stephen F. Austin Community Health Network, will present information about a possible new partnership.
7.C. President’s Report.
-College Update -Texas Higher Education Update -Regents' Visibility |
8. Unfinished Business
8.A. Proposed Amended Board Policy - FDA (LOCAL) - Tuition and Fees - Residency. The Vice President, Human Resources, recommends adoption of amended Policy FDA (LOCAL) regarding tuition and fees and residency. Board policy provides that new or amended policies are to be presented at one meeting and adopted at a subsequent meeting. Attached is a copy of the proposed amended policy with existing policy language appearing as regular text and new language in blue font.
This proposed policy is presented for second reading and adoption.
8.B. Proposed Amended Board Policy - DHB (LOCAL) - Employees Standards of Conduct - Searches and Alcohol/Drug Testing. The Vice President, Human Resources, recommends adoption of amended Policy DHB (LOCAL) regarding Employees Standards of Conduct – Searches and Alcohol/Drug Testing. Board policy provides that new or amended policies are to be presented at one meeting and adopted at a subsequent meeting. Attached is a copy of the proposed amended policy with existing policy language appearing as regular text, new language in blue font, and deleted language in red font with a strike-through.
This proposed policy is presented for second reading and adoption.
8.C. Proposed Amended Board Policy - EFCD (LOCAL) - Special Programs - High School Equivalency Testing Centers. The Vice President, Human Resources, recommends adoption of amended Policy EFCD (LOCAL) regarding the operation of a high school equivalency testing centers. Board policy provides that new or amended policies are to be presented at one meeting and adopted at a subsequent meeting. Attached is a copy of the proposed amended policy with existing policy language appearing as regular text, new language in blue font, and deleted language in red font with a strike-through.
This proposed policy is presented for second reading and adoption.
9. New Business
9.A. Vendor Approval - Campus Management. Vision 2025 calls for the selection and implementation of a comprehensive student information system (SIS) to meet college-wide needs. A $1.6 million budget for the acquisition of a new SIS was approved by the Board as part of the FY 2020 capital budget. In August, the Board approved the selection of Campus Management and authorized the President to enter into contract negotiations. The amount of the contract will exceed $100,000 but will be within the approved capital budget.
It would be appropriate for the Board to authorize the President to sign a contract upon completion of contract negotiations with Campus Management. |
9.B. Information Technology Vendor Approval. Attached is a communication from the Information Technology (IT) department recommending Board approval of the listed IT vendors for FY 2020 which are anticipated to have goods or services purchased in an amount greater than $100,000. The Vice President, Financial Services & CFO, and President join in this recommendation.
It would be appropriate for the Board to approve the attached IT vendor listing for FY 2020.
9.C. Capital Budget Transfer. In FY 2019, Brazosport College spent $1,090,108 on the cell phone capital project. Unexpected delays and additional work resulted in the project being incomplete at the end of FY 2019. The additional estimated cost to complete the project is $253,000. This amount includes the final payment to AWS, electrical wiring, and air conditioning of the cell phone equipment room. Unused budget from the FY 2019 approved capital budget for the cell phone project totaled $131,935.89. It is requested that the remaining FY 2019 cell phone project capital budget be transferred to the FY 2020 capital budget.
It would be appropriate for the Board to approve a capital budget transfer from FY 2019 to FY 2020 in the amount of $131,935.89 to help offset the estimated cost to complete the cell phone project. |
9.D. D-Wing Remodel. Brazosport College received 10 responses to its Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for architectural services for the D-wing remodel. Based on the rubric included in the RFQ, staff reviewed the responses and selected 3 finalists. Fee structures were not included in the firm’s responses.
It would be appropriate for the Board to select one of two options to determine the ranking of the 3 finalists. Option one is to call a special meeting for the Board to interview and select an architectural firm. The second option is to ask College staff to interview the candidates and make a recommendation to the Board. Both options have been utilized by the Board in the past. Once the firms have been ranked and approved by the Board, fee negotiations will begin with the highest ranked architectural firm. If a satisfactory fee structure cannot be agreed upon, the College will negotiate with the next highest rated firm. It would be appropriate for the Board to determine the option they wish to pursue for selecting architectural services and depending on the option chosen, set a date for a special meeting if needed. |
9.E. ABB Approval. Attached is a communications from the Director, Center for Business/Industry Training (CBIT), recommending Board approval to bring forward a $60,000 budget to complete the ABB simulator that was approved by the Board of Regents in their June 2019 meeting. This full purchase was not completed during the year ending August 31, 2019. Brazosport College paid $60,000 of the $120,000 purchase during the year ending August 31, 2019. The completed product will be received early in the new year. The Vice President, Financial Service & CFO, and President join in this recommendation.
It would be appropriate for the Board to approve bringing forward a $60,000 budget to complete the ABB simulator that was approved by the Board of Regents in their June 2019 meeting.
Request for Approval of Modifications to Vision 2025. In April of 2019, the Board adopted Vision 2025. As in previous planning cycles, staff have the opportunity to make changes to objectives. Modifications to objectives primarily reflect the College’s work with two large projects in the immediate future: the implementation of the new student information system and the SACSCOC Fifth Year Interim Report. Both projects will require significant campus-wide involvement. The updated Vision 2025 document is attached and presented for consideration. Changes are highlighted within the document.
It would be appropriate for the Board to consider the request for approval of modifications to Vision 2025 objectives.
9.G. December 2019 Board Meeting. The December 2019 meeting of the Board of Regents is proposed for Thursday, December 12, 2019, at 12:30 p.m., preceded by the annual holiday luncheon at 11:30 a.m. in the Corporate Learning Center.
It would be appropriate for the board to set the date for the December 2019 Board Meeting. |
9.H. Schedule 2020 Board Workshop. As part of the College’s evolving planning process, the Board meets in an annual workshop to study information, measure progress toward milestones and discuss future directions. The workshop is proposed for Friday and Saturday, February 7-8, 2020.
It would be appropriate for the board to set the date for the 2020 Board Workshop. |
9.I. 2020-2021 Academic Calendar Recommendation. The Provost & Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs, submits the attached 2020-2021 academic calendar.
The President recommends approval of the calendar as submitted.
9.J. Proposed Amended Board Policy – ECC (LOCAL) – Instructional Arrangements - Course Load and Schedules. The Vice President, Human Resources, recommends adoption of amended Policy ECC (LOCAL) regarding course load and schedules. Board policy provides that new or amended policies are to be presented at one meeting and adopted at a subsequent meeting. Attached is a copy of the proposed amended policy with existing policy language appearing as regular text, new language in blue font, and deleted language in red font with a strike-out.
This proposed policy is presented for first reading.
Financial Report. Attached is the financial report for September 2019.
It is recommended that the Board accept the financial report. Executive Session – Room 105 The President requests an Executive Session as provided in the Texas Government Code, Sections 551.072 and 551.074. For the purpose of discussing the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. For the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee. • To discuss appointment of a public officer to fill Brazosport College Board of Regent position #4. Open Session – Room 104 Action on Items Discussed in Executive Session. Consideration and action, if any, regarding items discussed in Executive Session. (Those listed under Executive Session in this notice.)