December 10, 2015 at 12:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Roll Call
2. Approval of Minutes
3. Communications
4. Audience to Patrons and Petitions
5. Informational Reports
5.A. Enrollment Reports
5.A.1. Community Education Courses. The Director, Community Education, reports
the attached enrollment numbers for the Community Education Program for the
month of November 2012-2015.
5.A.2. Center for Business/Industry Training. The
Director, Center for Business/Industry Training, reports the attached
enrollment and participant hours for November, 2011-2015.
5.B. Report of Taxes Collected. Attached is the report of
taxes collected for the month of November 2015.
5.C. Report of Unfilled Positions. The Vice President, Human Resources, provides
the attached report on vacant positions that are currently being advertised.
5.D. Approval of New Teachers for Community Education
Program. There were no new teachers to
report for the Community Education Program.
5.E. Fund Development Report. The Vice
President, College Advancement, provides a report on fund development
activities of the Brazosport College Foundation for the months of November – December
5.F. Budget for Adult
Education and Literacy Program.
The Director, Business Services, provides the attached communication regarding
notification from the Houston-Galveston Area Council of funding for the 2015-2016
Adult Education and Literacy Program in the amount of $545,400.00.
The President, under authority granted by the Board, has approved this recommendation.
5.G. Festival of Carols. The 2015 Festival of Carols will conclude on December 12th at 7:30 p.m. with a
concert at The Clarion. The show will
feature the Brazosport Symphony Orchestra. Tickets are available from The Clarion.
5.H. ADN Pinning Ceremony. The ADN Pinning Ceremony will be held on
Thursday, December 10, 2015, at 6:00 p.m., in The Clarion. The public is invited to attend.
5.I. Law Enforcement
Graduation. The Law Enforcement
Academy Graduation will be held on Friday, December 11, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. in The
Clarion. The public is invited to
5.J. Refunding Limited Tax Bond Series 2015. The Vice
President, Financial Services & CFO, provides an update to the bond
refunding passed at the October 19th Board Meeting. The Bond Purchase Agreement was executed at
3:15 pm on Tuesday, November 17, 2015. Attached
is the Post-Pricing Report from Estrada Hinojosa & Company which details (on
page 3) the total savings to the College of $1,849,568.75, an increase of
$387,287.75 from the originally estimated savings of $1,462,281.
5.K. Counselor/Administrator
Dinner. The annual
Counselor/Administrator Dinner is scheduled for Tuesday, February 2, 2016, at
6:00 p.m., at the Dow Academic Center.
The dinner and program provide a forum for conveying appreciation for
the work of ISD administrators and counselors who collaboratively work with
Brazosport College in efforts to support college readiness and student success.
College Board of Regents members are invited as guests of the College.
5.L. January 2016 Board Meeting. The January 2016 meeting of the Board of
Regents is scheduled for Tuesday,
January 19, 2016, at 6:30 p.m.
5.M. Annual Board Workshop
Meeting Dates. The annual Board
Workshop is scheduled for Friday afternoon,
and Saturday, February 5-6, 2016, in the Corporate Learning
Center. The workshop will begin on Friday, February 5 at noon and recess at approximately 4:30 p.m. The meeting will reconvene on Saturday, February
6 at 8:30 a.m. The Board will
recess at noon on Saturday for lunch and will reconvene
in Executive Session
following lunch.
5.N. Freeport LNG Crafts Academy. The dedication of the Freeport LNG Crafts Academy is
scheduled for Tuesday, February 16, 2016, from 4:00-5:30 p.m. in the Science
Technology Corridor on the college campus. (Dedication
Ceremony at 4:30.) The BCPC Welding Technologies Lab dedication will be
held later in the spring semester.
5.O. 2016 Board of Trustees Institute. The 2016
Board of Trustee Institute (BOTI) for Achieving the Dream has been set for March
31 – April 2, 2016, in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Two members of the Board of Regents are invited to attend in addition to
Dr. Millicent Valek, President.
Reservations are to be made through Serena Andrews, Vice President,
College Advancement.
5.P. 2016 Career Fair. Brazosport College will host its annual Career
Fair on Tuesday, April 12, 2016. The event serves approximately 1,700 juniors
from the Angleton, Brazosport, Columbia-Brazoria, Danbury, and Sweeny
Independent School Districts. A variety of activities that are designed to
provide career and educational information will be provided through this
cooperative effort between Brazosport College, the ISD’s, business, industry, and
civic organizations. This year marks the 23rd time Brazosport
College has hosted this very unique and exciting event.
5.Q. 2016 Commencement. Commencement
exercises for the 2015-2016
academic year are
scheduled for Saturday, May 7,
2016, in the Dow Academic Center. In
order to accommodate the increasing number
of graduates and their
families, two ceremonies are scheduled
to begin at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00
p.m. Each
ceremony will have a
reception for graduates
immediately following. The college will host a lunch for faculty, staff,
commencement guests,
and board members in between
the ceremonies.
5.R. Annual Confirmation of Regent Training. All regents, with the exception of newly appointed regent Jason Cordoba, have met legal requirements for Training in Financial Management, Open Meeting Act, Conflict of Interest laws, and Public Information. Mr. Cordoba's training is scheduled to be completed by end of calendar year 2016.
5.S. Construction Update. Attached is the Construction Update from the
Vice President, Administrative Services.
5.T. Policy
At the Board Workshop on February 13-14, 2009, Regents initiated a
systematic review of Board policy. It
was suggested that a number of Board policies be included for review as part of
each monthly agenda. Questions regarding
the referenced policies may be addressed to the President prior to the meeting
for clarification and/or discussion.
The attached policy CKD (Legal) is presented for the Board's information and also can be found at:
5.U. Brazosport College Calendar. The Brazosport
College Calendar for December 10, 2015 – February 27, 2016 is attached.
6. Reports and Presentations
6.A. Presidents Report.
- TACC (Texas Association of Community Colleges) Update - College Update |
7. Unfinished Business
7.A. Proposed Board Policy – CDE
(Local). The Vice President, Human
Resources, recommends Policy CDE (Local) – Financial Ethics as a new
policy. Board policy provides that new
policies are to be presented at one meeting and adopted at a subsequent
meeting. Attached is a copy of the proposed new policy.
Revisions to this policy are presented for a second reading and adoption. It would be appropriate for the Board to approve these revisions.
8. New Business
8.A. Audit
Report. The Audit Report is provided as a separate attachment. Kevin Cadenhead of Kennemer, Masters & Lunsford, LLC, will be present to discuss
the Audit Report and answer questions.
It would be appropriate for the Board to approve the Audit Report. |
8.B. Discussion
of Campus Security Operations and Evaluation of Proposal to Create a College Police Department. The Vice President, Administrative Services,
and the Vice President, Human Resources, submit the attached report for
consideration of creation of a police department and recommend that campus
security operations be transitioned to a police department, including the
hiring of a Director of Public Safety/Police Chief.
The President recommends approval of the creation of a police department. It would be appropriate for the Board to approve the creation of a police department, including the hiring of a Director of Public Safety/Police Chief.
8.C. Dow
Tax Abatement #15 Transfer to Olin.
Attached is a letter from Olin Corporation informing the College of its
ownership interests in the joint venture company Dow-Mitsui Chlor-Alkali LLC
and the related tax abatement, and requesting modification of the current tax
abatement. It is anticipated that this
change will have no impact on the tax abatement.
It would be appropriate for the Board to approve this modification.
8.D. Settlement of
Cause No. 70781, Brazoria County v.
CapitalSource Bank. Elizabeth Wang from the law office of
PerdueBrandonFielderCollins&Mott LLP will be present to discuss and answer
questions regarding this case.
It is recommended that the Board consider and take action to settle Cause No. 70781, Brazoria County v. CapitalSource Bank to collect the 2011 and 2012 delinquent taxes on account #8900-0531-000. |
8.E. Cisco/Key
Government Finance Contract. Brazosport College Board Policy CF (LOCAL)
states that bids valued at more than $50,000 annually shall be reported to the
Board at the next regular meeting. In
accordance with this policy, the Vice President, Financial Services & CFO,
provides the following report about a three-year contract the College is
preparing to enter into with Cisco Systems.
Cisco provides technical help to the IT department when the College’s phones, network, or wifi are offline, as well as issuing software updates, etc. In the past, the College had an annual agreement for these service; however, the IT department has negotiated a three-year agreement in order to lock in a discounted rate and avoid large annual rate increases. The total cost of this three-year agreement is $235,291.32 or $78,430.44 per year. Taking into consideration the annual rate increases, the total savings to the College over the next three years will be approximately $46,590 compared to what would have been the cost of continuing the year-to-year agreements. It would be appropriate for the Board to approve this contract. |
8.F. Personnel.
Included in the agenda is a
communication from the Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs,
recommending the employment of Jeff Detrick as Dean of Instruction for the remainder
of the 2015-2016 academic year. A biographical summary and position notice are
also included.
The President joins in this recommendation. It would be appropriate for the Board to approve the contract for the period and conditions identified.
8.G. Financial
Report. The financial report for November 2015 is
included as a separate exhibit.
It is recommended that the Board accept the financial report. |